Gang plank

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See Gang board (above).

See also: Gang

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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As they walked down the gang plank one by one to the island's shore overnight, some could be seen limping or in bandages.
The tour includes crossing the bomb bay on an eight-inch-wide gang plank to reach the pilots and the prized vantage point: the chin turret, a glassed-in machine gun bubble underneath the pilots' seats, dishing up the literal bird's eye view of Boise.
The set for Il tabarro by Alessia Carpoca was realistic and infinitely functional: the doors and windows opened easily, the gang plank was stable and the barge almost seemed to be rocking gently in the Seine.
It lowered its gang plank at Gateshead Quayside for the first time on December 19 that year, with hundreds of revellers on board, and with the staff dressed in sailors' uniforms.
The script, adapted by Defoe from his book, walks the gang plank of belly laughs and gentle emotion although none of the characters threaten to usurp Wallace and his resourceful pooch in our affections as they sail off into a perfectly animated sunset.
You head down the gang plank and charge off to meet your family and loved ones, to spend time at home, to take part in sports and outdoor activities, to have fun and let off steam.
So he goes up the gang plank of a vessel and inquires of the captain whether he needs an extra deckhand.
Here they'll be forced to drop in on the 20-foot Gang Plank, which leads directly into a pitch-black, upside-down double corkscrew nicknamed "Blackbeard's Farthole."
The barrier would slide back with a satisfying rumble, the gang plank would be lowered with an even more satisfying crash and off we would sprint onto the planked decking of the pier.
This seafarer drew up the gang plank as soon as he got the keys to the free flat and country house.