

(in England and Wales) a civil order restricting the activities of a gang member
[from gang1 + ASBO]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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From Little Hulton in Salford, he was among 11 people, including his mother and brother, to be handed socalled 'gangbo' civil injunctions in 2016 as part of a police drive to tackle a series of tit-for-tat shootings between rival gangs.
Last week five men from Huddersfield received gangbo orders over gang activity, one of the restrictions being they are not allowed to wear bandanas.
(8.) Gangbo F, Lacombe D, Alberti EM, Taine L, Saura R, Carles DN.
[8.] Gangbo E, Lacombe D, Alberti EM, Taine L, Saura R, Carles D.
(5) Among the narrators are Fatima Ahmed, Ubax Christina Ali Farah, Adrian Nazareno Bravi, Viola Chandra, Christiana de Caldas Brito, Amor Dekhis, Jadelin Mabiala Gangbo, Gabriella Ghermandi, Kossi Komla-Ebri, Anilda Ibrahimi, Ron Kubati, Amara Lakhous, Tahar Lamri, Mohammed Lamsuni, Genevieve Makaping, Ingy Mubiayi, Carmelo Quijada, Igiaba Scego, Barbara Serdakowski, Maria AbbebU Viarengo, Ornela Vorpsi, Lily-Amber Laila Wadia, and Yousef Wakkas.
(12.) Rahimy MC, Gangbo A, Ahouignan G, Adjou R, Deguenon C, Goussanou S, et al.
Gabriella Romani examines the novels of Congolese author Jadelin Mabiala Gangbo and Brazilian writer Julio Monteiro Martins, whose experimental writings 'sia a livello linguistico the strutturale [...] presenta[no] il testo letterario come momento di riflessione metaletteraria sul ruolo e la natura della letteratura' (p.
The two men also looked at the use of "gangbo" injunctions and creating anti-crime partnerships with the borough's diverse communities.
(12) reports in the wide literature suggest that chromosome 22 play a important role in the thyroid development was suggested by Gangbo E, (13).