Gang master

a master or employer of a gang of workmen.

See also: Gang

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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In a modern twist, this version of Charles Dickens' classic tale casts women as the Artful Dodger and Fagin - with the intimidating Flo Wilson perfectly capturing the sinister child gang master.
QUETTA -- A Sub-Inspector of police was martyred and three others were injured in exchange of firing between two dacoits in Tehsil Gandakha area of Jaffarabad while two gang master dacoits were killed.
Kucuk's expansive network passes each group on to the next gang master, who takes their cut of the fare.
"We're also looking for a Mr Big, a gang master if you like - a mafioso character."
"If the gang master state is the only provider people can see for their housing, education and employment, it's no surprise those who seek to break the stranglehold find barriers in their way," she declared.
According to the girls, the gang master Aslam Punjabi and new buyers sexually tortured/abused since long.
The men claim they had their travel documents confiscated by the gang master who brought them to Cyprus, who then farmed them out for casual work while allegedly pocketing their wages to pay off the 'commission' they owed him for finding them work.
A member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and an approved labour provider of the Gang Master Licensing Authority which governs the new regulations to prevent illegal workers ( Temp Recruitment specialises in the supply of temporary staff to a variety of manufacturing/industrial companies and local government.
London, Dec 4 (ANI): Charles Dickens may have based Oliver Twist's evil gang master, 'Fagin' on a real life 60-year-old black gang master called Henry Murphy, who employed urchins to steal for him, reports suggest.
"The same people also have to monitor gang master legislation, to prevent vulnerable people being ruthlessly exploited."
A gang master who cheated the tax man of up to pounds 4 million through a lucrative empire trading on the work of airport staff was jailed yesterday for six years.