(redirected from Gang Reduction Aggressive Supervision Parole)
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GRASPGlobal and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership
GRASPGrid Resource Allocation Services Package
GRASPGrid Based Application Service Provision
GRASPGreat Apes Survival Project
GRASPGreedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure
GRASPGeneralized Regression Analysis and Spatial Prediction
GRASPGroupe de Recherche sur les Aspects Sociaux de la Santé et de la Prévention (French: Health and Prevention Social Research Group)
GRASPGraduate School Applications
GRASPGraphic Animation System for Professionals
GRASPGeneral Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns (applying UML and patterns)
GRASPGeneral Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception
GRASPGreat Ape Survival Partnership
GRASPGraphical System for Presentation
GRASPGraphical Representations of Algorithms, Structures, and Processes
GRASPGraphical Representation and Analysis of Structural Properties
GRASPGreece Residents Assisting Stray Pets
GRASPGrass Roots Action for Social Participation (est. 1993; Aurangabad, India)
GRASPGenomic Research on Atlantic Salmon Project
GRASPGravitational Radiation Analysis and Simulation Package
GRASPGreat Ape Standing and Personhood
GRASPGeneral Retrieval and Sort Processor (US DoD)
GRASPGastroenterology Research on Absorptive and Secretory Processes
GRASPGrasp Assessment System
GRASPGrid Assessment Probes
GRASPGovernance Reform and Sustainable Partnerships
GRASPGeneric Search Algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem
GRASPGRP1-Associated Scaffold Protein
GRASPGrief Recovery After a Substance Passing
GRASPGreater Resources for After School Programming
GRASPGrassRoots Association for Student Power
GRASPGraduate Research Association of Students in Pharmacy
GRASPGOOS Regional Alliance for the Southeast Pacific
GRASPGreater Atlanta Small Business Project
GRASPGraphic Service Program
GRASPGraduate Association of Students in Psychology
GRASPGaining Retention and Achievement for Students Program
GRASPGONG Reduction and Analysis Software Package
GRASPGuided Reading and Summarizing Procedure
GRASPGreat Apes Survival Programme
GRASPGrapple, Retrieve and Secure Payload
GRASPGradient-Accelerated Spectroscopy (NMR spectroscopy)
GRASPGrasp Analysis and Planning Research
GRASPGrass Roots Awards Sponsorship Program
GRASPGraduate Student Placement
GRASPGeologic Resource Assessment Program
GRASPGeneral Reflector Antenna Software Package
GRASPGraphical Reduction and Analysis SANS Program
GRASPGrid Application Service Provision
GRASPGeneralized Retrieval and Storage Program
GRASPGradual Aggregative Syntactic Praxis
GRASPGeneric Retrieve/Archive Services Protocol
GRASPGenetic Range-dependent Algorithm for Search Planning
GRASPGraduate Retention in the Automotive Sector Project
GRASPGroupe de Recherche et d'Analyse Sociétale en Psychologie économique (French)
GRASPGraduate Research Assistant Scholarship Program
GRASPGammon Ranges Scientific Project
GRASPGlobal Resource Application Service Provider (Wheatley ASP solution)
GRASPGang Reduction Aggressive Supervision Parole (New Jersey Parole Gang Supervision Program)
GRASPGroup for Research and Analysis in Statistical Physics
GRASPGlendale Recreation After School Program
GRASPGiving Rural Adult a Study Program
GRASPGod Revealed at St Paul's
GRASPGenetic Racing Ability & Stud Performance
GRASPGoals, Relationships and Successful Paths
GRASPGuilford Response and Action for Safer Premises (UK)
GRASPGeneral RF Applications Software Package
GRASPGiven Required Analysis Solution Paraphrase (problem solving strategy)
GRASPGreenland Arctic Ocean Shelf Project
GRASPGlobal Resonance Ascension for Spiritual Pioneers
GRASPGroup Risk Analysis Support Program
GRASPGroningen Association for PhDStudents
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
His arrest was part of the New Jersey State Parole Board's program, Gang Reduction Aggressive Supervision Parole (GRASP) initiative, which targets violent gang members and provides them with specialized intensive supervision.