gang punch

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gang punch

To create an identical set of holes in a deck of punch cards. See punch card.
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The gang punched and kicked the traveller, breaking his left arm and causing cuts and bruises.
The gang punched and kicked their victim and stole two gold chains.
A gang punched and kicked an 18-year-old youth in Great Barr, Birmingham, before forcing him to withdraw pounds 140 from a cash machine at knifepoint.
A friend said there was "an almighty crack" when one member of a gang punched him after Saturday's live show.
One of the gang punched the victim in the back of the head before stealing his phone.
When he refused to hand over any cash the gang punched and kicked him until he fell to the ground.
The boy in the gang punched him in the chest and the victim produced his wallet.
When he resisted, the gang punched him repeatedly before fleeing emptyhanded.
She said: "The gang punched and kicked my brother to the ground.
Roger Wilson claims his singing career was sunk when one of Leo's eight- strong gang punched him in the throat and broke his larynx.