
(redirected from Bush-ism)


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any apparently fatuous statement attributed to George W. Bush
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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And, to balance things a bit, here's something from the other Texan who is just as quotable but for totally the wrong reasons (besides, I was looking for an excuse to carry a Bush-ism in the editorial).
He fair caned the neo-con last redoubt of George Bush-ism, which is the minority administration in what was once known as the kinder, gentler north American state.
Calling this country "America" is manifest destiny reaffirmed, it's imperialist, it is the essence of Bush-ism. It is contemptuous of all Latin America, and Canada too.
NEIL Young's Fork In The Road follows Living With War, which labasted the Bush-ism of America's recent past.
nBEST George Bush-ism of the campaign so far came from Plaid Cymru's Parliamentary Leader Elfyn Llwyd at the party's manifesto launch in Cardiff.
Bremner is reluctant to say goodbye to Dubya - whose Bush-isms were a comedian's gift - so tonight's audience will no doubt be welcoming him on stage, alongside Obama talking about bin Laden and topical meanderings taking in the Royal Wedding, the coalition Government one year on and the AV referendum.
A few years ago, your author had the pleasure of working with a young man who, thinking himself quite a politically-conscious sort of person, purchased and displayed on his desk a calendar of "Bush-isms" - one semi-literate Presidential gaffe for each day of the year.
The President has been ridiculed in the past for his Bush-isms, such as made-up words like misunderestimated.
To underline the point, the star of Dead Ringers is constantly stopped in the street by fans asking him to recite some of his most celebrated Bush-isms, such as 'my fellow pelicans' or 'my fellow Albanians.'