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a variant spelling of bushy


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a supporter of US President George W. Bush or a member of his administration
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Initially, the coroner's office was to conduct only a single inquest, examining the death of Reggie Bushie, 15, from Poplar Hill First Nation, who died Nov.
While the plan stunned many observers in the province because of the staggering financial commitment required, AMC Grand Chief Rod Bushie emphasized that the improvement in basic living conditions for First Nations would provide the impetus for them to become self-sustaining.
The family of Reggie Bushie is no closer to finding the answers surrounding his death.
Grand Chief Rod Bushie of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and Stevenson also warned the government that unless it showed immediate signs of dealing substantively with Aboriginal issues, the Pan-Am Games would be disrupted by First Nations' protesters.
THE CANDIAN PRESS IS REPORTIONG that the pre-inquest into the death of teen Reggie Bushie will begin on July 21.
You quote Republican Senator John McCain's derisive comments about his party's appalling record of fiscal irresponsibility but fail to mention that McCain is a solid Bushie, out on the campaign trail doing everything he can to get the President reelected.
That's the warning issued by AMC Grand Chief Rod Bushie who served notice late last year that the AMC would use the games to embarrass the province and the government of Canada if they didn't satisfy First Nations' concerns on fundamental bread-and-butter issues.
Julian Falconer, NAN's legal counsel on the Bushie Inquest and the jury roll issues, said "The systematic exclusion of communities of people from the justice system, such as occurred here, is unprecedented and yet First Nations continue to be denied what would be an automatic for mainstream Canadians; a full accounting from the Province's Attorney General.
Valdie Seymour and Berma Bushie are two of the founders of what is called the community holistic circle healing in Hollow Water, a First Nation of 700 people on the eastern shore of Lake Winnipeg.
You know, these emails are coming out, and this other one about the 'Bushies,' et cetera.
For a glimpse into the mindset of the Bushies, I offer the example of Dr.
I just love listening to the Bushies play with numbers.