Dawn of the Tiberium Age (DTA) is a stand-alone mod that combines and enhances Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert using a heavily customized Tiberian Sun engine. Featuring all 4 factions (GDI, Nod, Allies and Soviets) with extremely polished gameplay, DTA allows you to mix and match the factions as you'd like in tons of new multiplayer maps and challenge yourself in dozens of original missions.


GDI Nod Allies Soviet


  • 37 new singleplayer missions, 37 new co-op missions and over 150 original multiplayer/skirmish maps!
  • Enhanced mode brings competitive balance and new units that stay loyal to the spirit of the original games
  • Classic mode for the enjoyers of the very original experience
  • Active multiplayer community on Discord
  • Stand-alone - the original games are not required!
  • New custom map editor for creating your own maps!

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RSS Articles

Dawn of the Tiberium Age Logo

DTA Version 11.5

Greetings Commanders! We'll go directly to the point this time: we have prepared a new patch for you, providing new maps, bug fixes and other improvements. Let's first showcase the new maps, they all have 6 players for some good 3v3 Co-Op fun:

[6] Sedona's Future

[6] Sedona's Future, a remake of the "Sedona Pass" map from RA2 Yuri's Revenge.

[6] Bay of Pigs

[6] Bay of Pigs, a remake of the map from RA2 Yuri's Revenge.

[6] Nowhere to Run

[6] Nowhere to Run, a remake of the map in Tiberian Sun: Firestorm.

[6] Unrepentant

[6] Unrepentant, another remake from RA2 Yuri's Revenge.

New map editor (WAE) tools

On the topic of maps, our World-Altering Editor made mapping for DTA much faster than ever before. Now it has become even more powerful with a new line-based terrain drawing tool!

Cliffs, shores, and roads can all be quickly created with this tool, instead of having to place them manually piece-by-piece. Credits to ZivDero for contributing the original code for this tool to our open-source map editor project, which we then improved on together.

WAE - Cliff placement

WAE - Shore Placement

"Covert Revolt" Campaign Development

DTA: Covert Revolt Logo

Many of our fans have been asking about our ambitious campaign project, "Covert Revolt". We are happy to announce that we now have two of the campaign's major routes ready, with the third well on the way. We just finished the 27th mission earlier this week, and there's only a few more to go before the campaign is ready for release! Unless I suddenly get hit by a bus or encounter another similar tragic event, you can expect the release to happen during the summer.

CR Route C #12

Preview for the 12th mission of Covert Revolt's C route

Updates to older missions

While we've been hard at work on creating new campaigns, we've also updated our older missions. Some fans brought to our attention that a couple of our older missions were destroying them really hard. To check for issues, we played them as well, and also got destroyed harder than intended. We concluded that the affected missions "Bunny Hunt" and "River Raid" had got harder over time due to changes to balance and game engine logic, so we nerfed both of them.

We also fixed the score screen colors of all our old missions. Traditionally the Tiberian Sun game engine had hardcoded score screen casualty colors to gold and red, matching colors of GDI and Nod in the original game. For DTA that obviously wasn't very fitting with our 4 factions. We recently managed to lift this limitation, so we are now able to customize the score screen colors separately for each mission.

Casualty colors

Score screen colors in DTA v11.5 in a mission with a Soviets vs Allies setting.

Change Log

This new patch also brings some other minor bugfixes and improvements. You can read the details on our change log page.

We hope these minor updates will keep you entertained until our big release of Covert Revolt later in the summer.

World-Altering Editor: New map editor for TS and RA2/YR!

World-Altering Editor: New map editor for TS and RA2/YR!

News 15 comments

What once was the DTA Scenario Editor, has turned into the World-Altering Editor, with full support for Tiberian Sun and RA2 Yuri's Revenge! This news...

DTA Version 11 Released! Advanced AI Online!

DTA Version 11 Released! Advanced AI Online!

News 3 comments

Observe superior tactics while you still have human eyes...

DTA "Covert Revolt" Campaign Development Update

DTA "Covert Revolt" Campaign Development Update

News 6 comments

Sharing news that we revealed during our TS 24th Anniversary event live-stream.

DTA Version 10; Part 2 of TD GDI Co-Op Campaign released!

DTA Version 10; Part 2 of TD GDI Co-Op Campaign released!


Earlier in the spring, we released the first half of our Co-Op remake of the Tiberian Dawn GDI campaign, and promised to deliver more. Now we're releasing...

RSS Files
Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.5

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.5

Full Version

This is the full version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.5: all files necessary to play are included, so you also don't need to have the original game...

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.5 (with videos)

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.5 (with videos)

Full Version

This is the full version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.5: all files necessary to play are included, so you also don't need to have the original game...

Dawn of the Tiberium Age Installer

Dawn of the Tiberium Age Installer

Full Version 6 comments

This installer will automatically download and install the latest version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age for you (the original games are not required).

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.4 (with videos)

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.4 (with videos)

Full Version 3 comments

This is the full version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.4: all files necessary to play are included, so you also don't need to have the original game...

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.4

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.4

Full Version 1 comment

This is the full version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.4: all files necessary to play are included, so you also don't need to have the original game...

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.3 (with videos)

Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.3 (with videos)

Full Version

This is the full version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age v11.3: all files necessary to play are included, so you also don't need to have the original game...

Post comment Comments  (60 - 70 of 2,034)
Chetech - - 225 comments

Weird stuff happening to me while using the DTA client:
my 144hz monitor flickers hard when the DTA client is running, this also causes the game to lag. The flickering is the refresh rate of the monitor going down and up. It only happens with the DTA client, when I click on another window, the flickering stops.

Edit: leaving it for posterity. for some reason it conflicted with the adaptive sync of my monitor. Disabling it will fix the problem.

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Rampastring Creator
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

That's strange. I also have a couple of FreeSync displays driven by GPUs from both major gaming GPU vendors and I haven't encountered any issues with it.

By default the client runs at 60 FPS. If you want to, you could check whether changing the client's target frame rate helps. It's a hidden INI option; if you go to your DTA directory and open the Settings.ini file, you can add ClientFPS=144 under the [Video] section to make the client run at 144 FPS instead of the default 60.

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comradevolkovboris - - 85 comments

My win10 computer lags a lot in the game using any of the renders,even in cnc-ddraw,how can I solve it?

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tiberazure - - 24 comments

Great mod , and i can see the value in it. But there are some very weird balancing and nerfing inconsistencies. 1)Lets start with Allies:
Where is the allied Gap generator, they have short range base defences and Gap generators were the only way to defend vs siege and sneak attacks. So it being gone, they are in a very vulnerable state.
Their cruisers are a joke or am i missing something, i understand in regular red alert Cruisers were strong. But this iteration and seeing what Soviets got in this mod, is a bit pathetic. 5 Deployed cruisers can not even destroy a tier 2 tower when being repaired. 5= 10k credits..meanwhile in vanilla it took only 1 and it had double the range and it did not need to deploy.
Meanwhile soviets got missile subs and Ultra sub, that does anything the cruiser do , but better. Talk about nerf( even though in lore it clearly stated that the only strenght of Allied forces had was their navy) .Their artillery is the worst of all factions, the basic artilley is really bad when it is not promoted to highest rank.
Their super units are fine, can't complain about those too much.
2) Gdi:
In its current state i firmly believe that Soviets > Gdi in most scenarios.
Their mainline tanks are better, as heavy tank is just better medium tank, and light tank is just for kiting but here the shells are much faster for heavy tanks so the light tank cheese do not work as well.
Disc throwers are worse V2 in most aspects, other than to deal with mass infantry.
On land maps capping a-10 to 3 is pretty harsh, as that is their main nuke and 3 of them can barely take out a Con yard, but they are literally made of paper so 2 AA can take them out before u wasted 6k credits.
Moving on to naval: their Carriers are really weird, i am not sure as if their targeting is bugged or they are on the same boat as cruisers to enjoy weakened state just "because why not", they can not sometimes hit anything with their mini bombers, i had 6 of em barely take out a flamethrower turret while 2 of them took out large building like powerplant; also if there are multiple enemeis the mini bombers start spreading their ammunition between each target, basically shredding their damage between each target.
And their super unit The proto suit, is okay but it really is a glass cannon andseeing as Gdi has no mobile repair units, which it really needs to do anything spectatular. Nods super units are just better, their infantry hero unit and their tank. Tldr Gdi feels very generalist faction, but when facing a good Soviet or very high difficulty soviet Ai , they just can not do much vs them.
Nod feels fine besides their ground artillery , it is honestly worse then Alliance, it is only good vs sniping infantry but vs anything else, i do not see the use of it. Could use maybe better mainline ground units , as light tanks and flame tanks vs other factions besides Alliance feel quite underwhelming in this mod.
Soviet feels quite powerful, besides their money hungry playstyle and powerhungry base defences. But overall they do feel they are the most "balanced faction when facing any other faction in the game".

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PolishedPole - - 217 comments

Disclaimer: What I'm talking about describes mainly Player Vs Player combat, around which most of the balance is focused, and Player Vs AI balance is secondary.

1. Allies
A) Gapgen unavailable, engine limitations.
B) Base defences are actually their strong point, their turrets just got a nerf because they were so damn powerful - Allied defences need no power to function, can chug up nukes and survive (and you cannot say the same about AGTs or tesla coils made of glass) plus they are really damn dirt cheap, you can plop them as a panic option whenever you want with no forward planning - pillbox can mush a commando and a wall of turrets is great alternative to tank group as a meathshield for artillery blobs that often support them.
C) Personally I gotta agree about cruisers - they aren't very strong, and you generally won't get much use out of them. They are somewhat handy best to poke at enemy units and make enemy do something about it over time or in groups to bombard multi-tile enemy structures, but otherwise they are cost-ineffective. If you want to destroy enemy bases efficiently, you are supposed to make amphibious landings with hovercrafts stuffed with tanks.
D) Allied arty is weak?! What?! It's dope! 600 credits per each, you can easily make entire battalions of those to eradicate infantry blobs before they even get close, counterbattery enemy arty, smash defences and even wither down enemy tanks, as long as they get Allied tanks or rocket infantry as close range support. Their real weakness is mediocrity as single units and bad mobility, but that's a little issue for Allies when they fight as a creeping fortress with blobs of units.

2. GDI
A) Medium tank - it's faster than heavies, if you can't fight them in enough numbers to secure a victory then retreat and get support or harass enemy harvesters.
B) Disc launcher - it's fairly expensive and vulnerable, but it used to be overpowered in large blobs. It's better as anti-tank weapon compared to V2 as well, though I also prefer V2 for its ruggedness and ability to win arty-to-arty fights.
C) A-10s are pride of GDI. They are not easy to use though, since they are made of glass - they rape anything and everything outside of AA cover, fry hordes of infantry, can incinerate EVERY SINGLE structure in the game, eliminate artillery blobs and can deal some frightening amount of damage to tanks. Probably only harvesters aren't great targets for those, but orcas can handle them.
But as I said - they are glass cannons, precise scalpels and not blunt hammers.
D) Carriers received the same treatment as cruisers, they are there to slowly wear down enemy and not turn bases to farmlands singlehandedly or in small groups. Their strength is ability to outrange and poke at anything with enough cover from other ships, but you are supposed to make amphibious landings to actually destroy bases efficiently.
E) GDI's commando serves different purpose than Nod's epic units - he is like A-10 a precise operations unit that can cause MASSIVE amount of damage to undefended bases but is easy to deter, so you use him to put pressure on enemy or exploit his unawareness.
F) XO powersuit can very easily outrun a cyborg and can cause more damage over time than Harbinger, plus unlike Nod's specials he has ability to damage multiple enemy tanks in a row with railgun, and can handle multiple weak vehicles much, much faster than the slow-firing plasmagun.

3. Nod
A) SSM works differently than other arties, it's less of raw damage dealer and much more of kiting units - you roll up near enemy non-artillery, you shoot them well outside their range, and you run, they are very fast for artillery and can outrange and out-shock MLRS.
Tanks can resist SSM, but over time the damage from multiple rocket launches will add up and get really obnoxious.
B) Light tank is kinda supposed to be mediocre - Nod is about trickery and they are well adapted to fighting not with the same thing but with different thing - their vehicles are bad against other vehicles, but they have 4 great antipersonel ones - a cheap speedster, a tanky splasher, a long-range kiter and a high-tech lightning bruiser. They are good at fighting tanks with their own infantry - rocket soldiers and chemical warriors can be rapidly unleashed from Stealth APCs to cause massive damage to enemy armor.
Otherwise you are supposed to destroy enemy economy with bikes and stealthies and overcome enemy with sheer numbers.

4. Soviets - they are the most newbie-friendly option since they are good in head-on combat and need little micromanagement. However, they are anything but versatile, in stark contrast to other factions they have very limited options to maneuver on the battlefield, their tanks, APCs, gatlings, V2s - it's all very slow compared to their counterparts from other factions.

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Tiberius1995 - - 29 comments

I assume you are speaking from a place of playing mainly skirmish? A lot of this doesn't really hold true in online play.

GDI's advantage over the Soviets is speed and flexibility. The Soviets are powerful but also a bit of a 1-trick pony, as GDI you have both speed and brute force. Against the AI a good way to win in this match-up is to out-eco the AI. GDI's versatile defenses and artillery units are really good for defending against the AI until you can build a large economy and push back.

The Nod SSM might not be great alone against tanks, but it has a high rate of fire and more speed than any other artillery, so a group of them can kite slow targets to death, even tanks. They also tend to win artillery wars because of the high RoF.

As for the ships, we wanted to move away from the gameplay where ALL that mattered on naval maps was water control. In previous versions people would get to a point of spamming nothing but T2 and T3 ships, and once you controlled the water you could quickly level the enemy base while he could do nothing.

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KingNogard - - 2 comments

Excellent work people! I look further for more updates and improvements.

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rdiavlo21 - - 5 comments

I Install net 4.0
then nothing ... i run the DTA.exe... nothing happens...no error nothing at all....can anyone help..?

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Rampastring Creator
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

Try going into your DTA folder, then the \Resources\ sub-folder and from there try starting clientdx.exe.

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rdiavlo21 - - 5 comments

nahh... but thanks...i tried it also same ..same result i guess the client prevent the game to run in my system...
did the old versions have non-client exe?
maybe non client version will run...
can you give me some suggetions...?

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Rampastring Creator
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

DTA has used a client since 2013, any version that does not ues a client is heavily outdated to the point of practically not being the same game as current DTA.

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