Beata's Reviews > King Leopold's Ghost

King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild
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it was amazing
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The book was written 20 years ago, and yet, it is so eye-opening! The theme has not been covered enough …. My idea of atrocities committed in the Congo in the second half of the 19th century were more than basic and narrowed to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, which I read (and now should re-read) but didn’t take too much interest in Conrad’s time in the Congo, which was a mistake … Author who undertakes a most difficult task to write about crimes against humanities (term used for the first time by one of the 19th century journalist with regard to the Congo) pays respect to all the victims of one’s madness, greed, cruelty, indifference or hatred. And I read this book, or rather listened to it, with precise the same intention. There are several characters central to the unravelling the crimes that must be mentioned: William Sheppard, George Williams, E.D. Morel and Roger Casement. They were the first to report openly on the cruelty towards the indigenous tribes and campaign against it. Ordinary people and yet extraordinary in those days to speak and write openly of what they witnessed. I can do nothing more than pay respect to the millions of victims who happened to live in the area rich in resources exploited to the full by white men. This book is both overwhelming and depressing, however, it is one that should be read along with all the others that cover any crime against human beings.
PS Writing these few sentences was not easy for me as I found this book too upsetting and painful to comment on ....
Thank you to my GR Friends who drew my attention to this book.
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July 29, 2019 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new)

C.  (Comment, never msg). Sounds good. I wrote you an e-mail with a big thank you and a hug, my friend! Love, Carolyn.

Beata Yes, I read it, Carolyn :)) I'd like to have a little more time to wrte back :)) Hope the card will add to the atmosphere of Easter :))

C.  (Comment, never msg). Take your time. The next appreciation I wanted to write to you about, is that it is exciting and fun for me, to receive cards in a different language than English. I am a language person, so the treat of hearing from you as a surprise and your joyous card are bright atmospheres, from a Polish flavour. Ron & I enjoy it. The placemats from you at Christmas still sit on our coffee table. Xoxo.

Beverly This is so great Beata! I am glad you are reading it!

Beata Thank you, Beverly ...... This book is formidable ....

withdrawn A good, personal review Beata. Discussion of our capabilities to be inhumane should always be personal, not technical, I believe.

At some future time, you may want to read Mario Vargas Llosa’s fictionalized biography of Roger Casement - The Dream of the Celt. It is an excellent novel.

message 7: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Sounds like a distressing read Beata, but great review 🤗

Judith E So much cruelty because the inadequate king needed to empire build. Our public schools don’t even mention this.

message 9: by Dan (new)

Dan Lutts Great review, Beata. You're right that we should become more informed about crimes against our fellow human beings.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Thoughtful review, Beata! This sounds like a very powerful book.

message 11: by Max (new) - rated it 5 stars

Max Great review, Beata. "overwhelming and depressing" describe my feelings about this book as well. As you note it is important. I think it is a must read for anyone interested in the history and legacy of colonialism in Africa.

message 12: by HBalikov (new)

HBalikov It is astounding what was accepted or ignored during that era, Beata. Thanks!

message 13: by Ilse (new)

Ilse Powerful review, Beata. Such a shameful chapter in history.

Beverly This book is one like The Rape of Nanking that is so gut wrenching and eye opening that everyone should read them, even though they are difficult reads Beata. I loved your review.

message 15: by Darlene (new)

Darlene Thank you for this review, Beata! Like you, my knowledge (or lack of) is limited to Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'. This sounds like a very important but painful book. I'm adding it to my list!

message 16: by Jenna (new)

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Powerful review, Beata; thank you for writing it even though it was difficult. 🤗 . I think most of what I know about this is from Heart of Darkness as well, and I should rectify that.

Beata RK-ïsme wrote: "A good, personal review Beata. Discussion of our capabilities to be inhumane should always be personal, not technical, I believe.

At some future time, you may want to read Mario Vargas Llosa’s fi..."

Thank you for this title, RK-isme, I'll definitely read the book as Caseman intrigued me .... And thank you for your kind comment ....

Beata Maureen wrote: "Sounds like a distressing read Beata, but great review 🤗"
Thank you, Maureen :)) Some books should be read even though they leave you feel upset or distressed ..... I don't run away from difficult topics, but after such reading always need a little lighter read ...

Beata Judith wrote: "So much cruelty because the inadequate king needed to empire build. Our public schools don’t even mention this."
Well, not that this king or the crimes are discussed widely in Poland either, Judith ..... I suppose an ambitious teacher might add more insight while reading Heart of the Darkness ... I talked to some of my friends about this book and only one person was aware of who Leopold was and what he represented .... The book has been translated into Polish, so let's hope it'll be widely read .... Thank you for your important comment :)

Beata Dan wrote: "Great review, Beata. You're right that we should become more informed about crimes against our fellow human beings."
Thank you, Dan :)) I mentioned crimes against humanity, but there was also exlpoitation of natural resources, mainly so-called 'weeping trees' for rubber, and that was the main cause of all suffering .....

Beata Meredith wrote: "Thoughtful review, Beata! This sounds like a very powerful book."
It is, Meredith ....... You don't read books of this calibre too often ... Thank you for your great comment :)

Beata Max wrote: "Great review, Beata. "overwhelming and depressing" describe my feelings about this book as well. As you note it is important. I think it is a must read for anyone interested in the history and lega..."
Absolutely, Max ..... Books like this one change your perspective regarding Africa ..... Thank you for your kind comment :)

message 23: by Ilana (new) - added it

Ilana Thanks for reviewing this book Beata. I can certainly understand why it would be difficult for you. It’s a subject my boyfriend and I discussed since he watched some documentaries and we’ve both read Heart of Darkness. I’m also thinking of getting the audiobook version but will certainly mix it up with lighter listens too when I get to it as it’s sure to be very depressing.

Beata HBalikov wrote: "It is astounding what was accepted or ignored during that era, Beata. Thanks!"
You're right, H ................. Inflicting suffering due to the greed or the ignorance .... That is why I feel that those who were brave enough to speak up deserve our deepest praise ....

Beata Marita wrote: "Excellent review, Beata."
Thank you, Marita ..... Appreciate your comment very much! :))

Beata Ilse wrote: "Powerful review, Beata. Such a shameful chapter in history."
This is history, Ilse, it cannot be changed ..... What I hate to observe is the attempts to cover up history or deny real events .... I most value acknowledgement and remorse regarding some most hideous acts committed in the past ..... Thank you for your comment :))

Beata Mimi wrote: "Good review I agree it's a powerful account."
Thank you, Mimi ............ I'm grateful such books are written .......

Beata Beverly wrote: "This book is one like The Rape of Nanking that is so gut wrenching and eye opening that everyone should read them, even though they are difficult reads Beata. I loved your review."
Thank you, Beverly ............. I'll check the book you mentioned as I haven't heard ot it .... Thank you again! :)

Beata Darlene wrote: "Thank you for this review, Beata! Like you, my knowledge (or lack of) is limited to Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'. This sounds like a very important but painful book. I'm adding it to my list!"
Prepare yourself for some truly disturbing read, Darlene ..... I look forward to your thoughts ........ Thank you!

Beata JV ❄️☃️❄️ wrote: "Brilliant write-up of a disturbing chapter in history, dear Beata! 🤗"
Thank you, JV :))

Beata Jenna wrote: "Powerful review, Beata; thank you for writing it even though it was difficult. 🤗 . I think most of what I know about this is from Heart of Darkness as well, and I should rectify that."
Thank you, Jenna :)) Yes, I must read Heart of Darkness again, and I know my perception now will be different ........

Beata Ilana wrote: "Thanks for reviewing this book Beata. I can certainly understand why it would be difficult for you. It’s a subject my boyfriend and I discussed since he watched some documentaries and we’ve both re..."
Thank you, Ilana :)) Looking forward to your thoughts :))

message 33: by J.C. (new)

J.C. A very moving review, Beata, thank you. You have more courage than I have, to read such a book.

message 34: by Jaline (new)

Jaline Excellent and moving review, Beata!

message 35: by Joe (new)

Joe Krakovsky Great review, Beata. It was a terrible past. But now days the warlords do the same thing.

message 36: by Tammy (new)

Tammy This sounds like an intense and important read, Beata

message 37: by Lori (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lori Terrific review, Beata! That is a hard book to read.

Beata J.C. wrote: "A very moving review, Beata, thank you. You have more courage than I have, to read such a book."
Thank you, J.C. :)) I was ashamed of my ignorance, I guess .......

Beata Jaline wrote: "Excellent and moving review, Beata!"
Thank you, Jaline :))

Beata Joe wrote: "Great review, Beata. It was a terrible past. But now days the warlords do the same thing."
Thank you, Joe, and agree .......

Beata Tammy wrote: "This sounds like an intense and important read, Beata"
Thank you, Tammy .............. It was a difficult read, so much so that now I've turned to a much lighter tone .....

Beata Lori wrote: "Terrific review, Beata! That is a hard book to read."<
Thank you, Lori :)I can't say I'm happy that I read it, this is a wrong word, but I'm grateful that I had an opportunity to find such a book ....

message 43: by Peter (new)

Peter A very emotional review, Beata and beautifully portrayed. The atrocities in Africa are heart-breaking and unfortunately, they still keep coming.

Beata Thank you, Peter .............. Unfortunately, natural resources make some people greedy enough to wage wars in our times, too ......

Beata Thank you, Leslie :)) An eye-opening read ..............

message 46: by Anna (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anna Excellent review Beata, and a powerful book. I read it some years ago and I remember being horrified and at a loss for words. Thank you for reviewing.

Beata Thank you, Anna, for your generous comment :)) Yes, it is a book that leaves you shaken .......

message 48: by Tim (new)

Tim Great review as always, Beata!

message 49: by Barbara (new) - added it

Barbara I think I would react the way you did, Beata. Disturbing, but wonderful review.

message 50: by Paula (new)

Paula K There are too many of these horrific stories out there, Beata. Greed is so’s cost unfathomable...wonderful and sad review...

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