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Patrick O'Brian
“(She) threw Stephen a quick, apologetic glance and ran into the house. She might be in a strange hurry of spirits, but she moved with the perfect, unconscious grace that had always touched him, and he felt a wave of tenderness, allied to his former passionate love; perhaps its ghost.”
Patrick O'Brian, The Surgeon's Mate

“We can no longer afford to carry on in a prolonged era of polite reflection and ineffective resistance...We must invent overnight another kind of civilization....It is a good idea to love each other, and to love the Earth.”
Barry Lopez

Nelson Mandela
“I never lose, I either win or learn”
Nelson Mandela

“We are gods and might as well get good at it.”
Stuart Brand

Kevin Ansbro
“A life without friends is like a sky without stars.”
Kevin Ansbro

183882 Musicians And Music Lovers — 1334 members — last activity Jun 11, 2024 07:31AM
This is where we will post our videos, and our songs.
34851 The Baseball Book Club — 257 members — last activity 3 hours, 7 min ago
A book club for discussion of baseball related books, including major leagues, minor leagues, Japanese league, Negro leagues, EVERYTHING baseball! PLE ...more
25x33 Baker Street Irregulars: The Game's Afoot--time to solve the mystery of the next great read — 57 members — last activity Nov 30, 2017 09:16PM
Like the Baker Street Irregulars that supported Sherlock Holmes, we ferret out new mysteries and thrillers. Feel free to join us and introduce us to a ...more
1085954 Dickensians! — 512 members — last activity 2 hours, 51 min ago
Do you love the stories by Charles Dickens, and anything Victorian? Are you keen to chat about his books, his life, the times or places he lived in, o ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 248198 members — last activity 0 minutes ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more
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