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The Mapmakers
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Glenn Haybittle
“But sometimes someone will wear something that allows you a glimpse of their secret self. The essence becomes distinct for a moment.”
Glenn Haybittle, In the Warsaw Ghetto

Glenn Haybittle
“You'd like to think the death of a person is like the death of a star, that it will enrich the cosmos with precious elements, with added meaning.”
Glenn Haybittle, The War in Venice
tags: death

Glenn Haybittle
“The key to understanding every story is to find yourself in it.”
Glenn Haybittle, In the Warsaw Ghetto

Glenn Haybittle
“Bereavement is sometimes like wading across a succession of snowfields with no landmark in sight. You are a lone small figure in a vast barren landscape. Other times it’s like a Ferris wheel ride. Like being strapped into a swinging spinning bucket. The dizzying dislocation from familiar grounded reality.”
Glenn Haybittle, Byron and Shelley
tags: grief

Glenn Haybittle
“Hiding compels a heightened intimacy with oneself.”
Glenn Haybittle, In the Warsaw Ghetto
tags: hiding

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