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Synonyms for homologize

make homologous

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
While Collapse Vbegins by engaging the direct cosmological descendents of a Copernican ontology, the inclusion of separate interviews with Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart ('Alien Science'), and neurophilosopher Thomas Metzinger ('Enlightenment 2.0'), indicate the editors' willingness to expand a Copernican line of inquiry beyond those well-known thinkers--like Kant, Husserl, Freud, et al.--who homologize a de-centerment of the earth to the cosmos as what the brain/consciousness is to the subject/self.
For example, the presence of glume-like bracts subtending a rudimentary lateral axis in the proximal part of the spikelet in Hellmuthia allowed us to homologize a spikelet in Hellmuthia with a partial inflorescence (Vrijdaghs et al., 2006), purely on morphological-ontogenetic grounds.
Nonetheless, some of these characters are not synapomorphies (e.g., forewing--hindwing character), or may be based on reductions, which are difficult to homologize (e.g., number of tarsomeres).
Principal bases are the following: fixture homologize, classification of elements and final constructive fixture solutions, criteria for element selection and adequate logic for making decisions while designing.
In coding Kahl's behavioral descriptions as discrete characters, I invoked Remane's first criterion of "position" to homologize components within displays.
The legal and political tendency to homologize pregnancy and motherhood that I have described is problematic because it produces legal consequences that hold women to a certain standard of motherhood before they have even given birth.