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(hə-mŏl′ə-jīz′, hō-)
tr.v. homolo·gized, homolo·gizing, homolo·gizes
1. To make homologous.
2. To show to be homologous.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
At least some switchbacks and loops are consistent enough to homologize across theridiid genera (Agnarsson 2004).
Similarly, de Queiroz and Wimberger (1993) have also suggested that behavioral characters may be too difficult to homologize and, further, that behavior may be so evolutionarily labile that it is unable to be homologized.
Multitabbed online browsing, which homologizes a heterogeneous glut of data into an operational plane of experience, yielding noise (pop-up advertisements being the most obvious example) in tandem with informed content, might be one interface through which to effectively cohere Bader's "Images." Given its extensively dedifferentiated organizational structure, this is an exhibition to navigate like one's morning e-mails.
To the temporal narrative logic of the novel, the film adds a gregarious consumption ritual that, unlike the private consumption of a novel, allows for the gathering of a community that "homologizes, in a sense, the symbolic gathering of the nation." The movie audience becomes a sort of "provisional 'nation' forged by spectatorship" (103).