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The 97th edition of the Giro gets underway with a team time trial in Belfast today, the first time the event has begun outside mainland Europe.
Mr Hughes said investigations revealed Tshibangu had been directly involved in obtaining pounds 40,000 from cashed giros between April and November 2003.
Para la realizacion del presente estudio se utilizaron los datos de peso y superficie cortical de los giros que componen el giro frontal inferior, determinados en un trabajo previo (Albanese el al., 1989) de 24 cerebros humanos adultos postmortem sin lesiones macroscopicas visibles, provenientes de individuos diestros de ambos sexos (16 masculinos y 8 femeninos), edad (media [+ or -] ES) 49.88 [+ or -] 3.90 anos, sin diagnostico de enfermedad mental o neurologica, sin tratamiento con corticoides en el ultimo mes de vida y cuya causa de muerte estaba relacionada a trastornos cardiovasculares.
A spokesman said it costs the government pounds 1.47 to process claims through giros but one penny to pay cash into accounts.
We've teamed up with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) to offer YOU the chance to win one of two short breaks for two people to see the Giro d'Italia Grande Partenza in Northern Ireland.
Their warning comes as the government plans major changes in the way benefits are paid, bringing an end to giro cheques and benefit books.