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Related to girt: joist, git, GIET


Nautical moored securely to prevent swinging
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


In a braced frame, a horizontal member at an intermediate level between the columns, studs, or posts; a heavy beam, framed into the studs, which supports the floor joists.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


(civil engineering)
A timber in the second-floor corner posts of a house to serve as a footing for roof rafters.
A horizontal member to stiffen the framework of a building frame or trestle.
A brace member running horizontally between the legs of a drill tripod or derrick.
(mining engineering)
In square-set timbering, a horizontal brace running parallel to the drift.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


girt, 2
A horizontal structural member in the framing, 3 of an early timber-framed house, typically supporting the ends of the ceiling joists and acting as the main horizontal support for the floor above; often located about halfway between the groundsill, 2 and the horizontal timber at the top of the wall (the top plate) The term girt often is preceded by an adjective indicating its position; for example, front girt denotes a heavy timber that runs horizontally along the front of the house; rear girt denotes a heavy timber that runs horizontally along the rear face of the house; chimney girt denotes a heavy timber that acts a main horizontal support between chimney posts. See illustration under timber-framed house.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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One assembly contained a single layer of R-25 (R-4.40 K.[m.sup.2]/W) fiberglass insulation layer and the other contained two layers of fiberglass insulation [R13 (R-2.29 K.[m.sup.2]/W) and R30 (R-5.28 K.[m.sup.2]/W)] installed between the metal wall panels and the metal structural elements, called 'girts'.
Thats somethin Theres Girt to say in that first meetin whats a star An I to say somethin you shouldn have the know of Doan be queer Girt to say so I to tell her of the light that comes shinin an dancin out of nowhere An whos to makin it she to say An I to say theres much to that an maybe no more than old talk of the Mariners Those that say its Willow the Wish wholl be to catchin the light in your eyes an steal it away so you must foiler But whats to foiler in that talk is dark song an savage in deed better the late in comin Well Girts not to likin I stop short here an I to reckon at this so I to tell her the talk I hold to The stars are the light of the Fish caught by we the Mariners left to search for their lost scale through all the dark Artesian
Girt estimates that the company would need to stay with clients for a minimum of three months, maximum of three years, to ensure that all the systems are correctly integrated and installed.
"Additionally, Bret Violette, former owner and broker-of-record, will continue to support the Sea Girt and Shrewsbury offices whilealso working closely with our management team, focusing his talents in many ways to assist us in the continued growth of our company", stated William Keleher Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of BHHS NJ Properties.
He flew by helicopter from New York to Sea Girt National Guard base before driving in a motorcade to Mantoloking, where collapsed houses and buildings reduced to matchwood litter the shore.
Girt with pines of darkest green, Of all tarns I crown you Queen.
Goals from Girt Karlsons and Vitalijs Astafjevs fired the Latvians 2-0 ahead after 22 minutes.
Acxiom also said MKTG Services' management team, led by Stacey Girt, senior vice president, will join Acxiom.
* A SWEDISH MOTHER on naming her baby girt Metallica, after the heavy metal band.
The nine seniors to be honored at graduation are Amy Black, Jacob Brittan, Robert Girt, Rose Masin-Brown, Katharine Ryan, Eva Sylwester, Lisa Thompson, Kathleen Walro and Danea Watson.