
(redirected from giros)
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Brit informal an unemployment or income support payment by giro cheque, posted fortnightly
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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COLOMBIA'S Nairo Quintana has trained his sights on clinching a first Grand Tour title at this year's Giro d'Italia.
Un mejor conocimiento del sistema de corrientes, tales como giros oceanicos, corrientes costeras, remolinos topograficos y frentes tendra un fuerte impacto en el suceso de modelos fisico-biologicos acoplados que podrian ser usados, entre otras cosas, para estudiar la retencion o dispersion larval.
FIVE asylum seekers have been charged with operating a huge giro forgery scam on post offices in Merseyside.
The court heard the gang used the stolen credit cards as proof of identity to cash the giros.
El area motora del lenguaje (de Broca) que integra la parte posterior del giro frontal inferior formada por los giros triangular caudal y opercular.
Currently post offices are paid a fee by the government for cashing giros and paying out on benefit books.