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Related to Girondists: Girondins, Robespierre


Girondists (jĭrŏnˈdĭsts) or Girondins (zhērôNdăNˈ), political group of moderate republicans in the French Revolution, so called because the central members were deputies of the Gironde dept. Girondist leaders advocated continental war. Led at first by Jacques Brissot de Warville, the Girondists were known as Brissotins. Notable members were Pierre Vergniaud, Charles Dumouriez, and Jean Marie Roland de la Platière and Jeanne Manon Roland de la Platière. Representative of the educated, provincial middle class of the provinces, they were lawyers, journalists, and merchants who desired a constitutional government. Early in 1792 they succeeded, against Maximillien Robespierre's opposition, in having war declared on Austria. In the Revolutionary assembly, the Convention, they engaged in personal rivalry against Robespierre, Georges Danton, and Jean Paul Marat. The Girondists championed the provinces against Paris, and in particular against the commune. They were unable to prevent the trial of King Louis XVI, or his death sentence. The leftist Mountain became dominant in the Convention. The treason of Dumouriez, who defected to the Austrians (Mar., 1793), further weakened the position of the Girdondists, who also aroused popular hostility in Paris by opposing workers' demands for economic controls. On May 31 an armed crowd organized by the Paris sections surrounded the Convention and demanded the arrest of the Girondists. The Convention at first resisted, but continued popular pressure forced it to order the arrest of 29 girdondists on June 2. Brissot, Vergniaud, and other leaders were subsequently executed. The fall of the Girondists assured complete control by the Mountain.


See studies by M. J. Sydenham (1961) and A. Patrick (1972).

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References in periodicals archive ?
The use of the terms 'left' and 'right', which owe their origin to the seeting arrangements of the various factions (Girondists, Plain, Mountain) of the National Convention established by the fathers of the French Revolution in 1792, is not entirely appropriate in the case of the Protestant Reformation since such a duality simplifies too much the religious situation of the sixteenth century.
His association with the moderate Girondists and his argument for sparing the life of Louis XVI made his position.
Near the end of the 18th century, Madame Roland held a salon that converted the Girondists from talking into doing.
With this formality, the struggle among the various republican factions -- Girondists, Jacobins, Cordeliers, adherents of Robespierre -- began.
In contrast to the revolution of 1848, Marx recalls the "French Revolution" of 1789 to demonstrate, if not co-operation between parties, at least their rise and fall, each time replaced by a "bolder ally" (e.g., Girondists by Jacobins) which showed that "the revolution thus moves along an ascending line" (EB 42).