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Form 982--Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis Adjustment)
The form must be made available for inspection by federal officials from U.S.
I have allowed my citation of Lefebvre to imply an association between form and terrorism but, in fact, his emphasis lies elsewhere.
The City Register's Office anticipates that the tax forms will be completed online before a closing and that any change or addition to a tax form at the closing will be done in ACRIS at a computer terminal with Internet access.
No one knew what had caused the change, but the scientists discovered that the new polymorph was thermodynamically stabler than the drug in its original form. The Abbott team couldn't find a way to stop formation of the new polymorph.
Adobe Form Server 5.0 enables virtually anyone to receive and view the form by automatically converting an XML template to PDF and various forms of HTML, depending on the device that is targeted to receive it.
And it can be done with comparatively simpler tooling than would be necessary with the conventional stamping approach, which could necessitate the use of multiple die sets in order to attain the required form Ca form which isn't as complex as that which can be attained through EMAS).
Since XForms can directly apply Schema constraints directly to form data, system integrators have a powerful tool to catch "bad data" at the source, before it spreads to other systems.XML and related specifications from the W3C are still evolving.
Beginning immediately, financial institutions and organizations that are currently required to report suspicious activity pursuant to the existing regulations of the federal financial institutions supervisory agencies and FinCEN may use the new SAR form to make these reports.
This form (Figure 2) allows electronic submission of SDRs to a central Oracle database.
In an earlier theological form, the theology of the "death of God" can serve as a first harbinger of post-modernity in theology.
It's a computer program called Life Forms. Yes, it's the one Merce Cunningham has used since 1991.
While most students of Menippean satire have focused on the Greek sources from which the form originates, De Smet focuses her typology on the later life of Menippean satire among the Romans.
In the +90% alumina refractory system, iron oxide can react with the alumina to form a spinel compound FeO*[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] (hercynite).