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Related to conglobate: conglobate gland, conglobate acne
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assume a globular shape


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References in periodicals archive ?
On the clinical and histopathological changes in fistulous dermatitis with remarks on the relation to so called hidradenitis suppurativa and acne conglobate. Chirurg 1962; 33: 5348.
Other potential diagnoses include rosacea fulminans [11], pyoderma gangrenosum, acne conglobate [8], and synovitis-acne-pustulosis-hyperostosisosteitis (SAPHO) syndrome [12-14].
8,604,047, entitled 'Method and Composition for Treating Nodulocystic and Conglobate Acne Vulgaris' from the US Patent and Trademark Office, it was reported yesterday.
Yoder, "Prolonged remissions of cystic and conglobate acne with 13-cis-retinoic acid," The New England Journal of Medicine, vol.
As it follows from the mathematic theory of elasticity [14], if two conglobate bodies of the same size, made from the same material, are pressed to each other with force [F.sub.c], an elastic strain will occur in them, and after this the grains will touch each other not in a single point but over a certain small, but finite area of their surface.
The 2016 European S3 Acne Guideline uses a 4-point classification system that might help: 1) comedonal acne, 2) mild-moderate papulopustular acne; 3) severe papulopustular acne, moderate nodular acne; and 4) severe nodular acne, conglobate acne.
The patent is named 'Method and Composition for Treating Nodulocystic and Conglobate Acne Vulgaris and the company added that it aims to commence a Phase II double blind clinical trial of its once-weekly therapy in 2014.