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Synonyms for congeries

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for congeries

a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Probably the army, in combination with a congeries of regime remnants, Nasserists and secular liberals, will deliver as well.
Ours is a mess, a congeries of special-interest loopholes and outdated deductions.
Was reality ultimately a congeries of static atoms or a constant condition of flux?
The "fur trade" was actually a congeries of distinct trades in the pelts and skins of a wide range of animals--including beavers, deer, sea otters, fur seals, bears, buffalo, skunk, raccoons, muskrats, and even nutria!
For those who have never visited more than one Wal-Mart store, let me point out that the company is not a congeries of boutiques run by egotistical retailing divas.
The result is that, while the account the author delivers is persuasive, the causal logic in respect of the way the late Byzantine 'empire' functioned--an empire that was, in effect, a congeries of small competing social groups--remains largely implicit.
Writing in his foreword to the book, George Weigel says: "What the Pope sees is a world that has lost its story: a world in which the progress promised by the humanisms of the past three centuries is now gravely threatened by understandings of the human person that reduce our humanity to a congeries of cosmic chemical accidents: a humanity with no intentional origin, no noble destiny, and thus no path to take through history." The Pope does not evade any question but answers each of them.
Intentionality is a congeries of "logical" or "representational" properties.
Clyde is such an inchoate personality, such a seething congeries of inexpressible longings that he lights up the novel's pages with a tortured glow." FREDRIC KOEPPEL, THE COMERCIAL APPEAL (MEMPHIS), 5/25/2003
Sometimes he wondered whether Western society was "assembled round anything more permanent than a congeries of banks, insurance companies and industries, and had any beliefs more essential than a belief in compound interest and the maintenance of dividends." On one occasion he sounded almost like a communist: "Certainly there is a sense in which Britain and America are more democratic than [Nazi] Germany; but on the other hand, defenders of the totalitarian system can make out a plausible case for maintaining that what we have is not democracy but financial oligarchy."
A 'ground-clearing' chapter attempts to define the relationship between intellectual, cultural and critical history, from both an epistemological and an organisational point of view, with warnings about the 'self-referential trap.' This is followed by some reflections on 'practice and theory' notably in the context of the 'lure' of the 'transhistorical' event or congeries of events, especially as the 'observer' becomes implicated in the 'observed' (a psychological process of 'transference').
Lock's story is as much about a puppeteer's power to bring things to life, how this unravels and ruins him, as it is a reverie on storytelling where Guntur steps out "over an abyss with nothing to sustain him but an unwinding sentence engendering--by his skillful invention--another which, in turn, lengthened into its successor." Stories, for him "were only congeries of sentences, and the world ...
Carrithers and Hardy identified four tropes: journey, theater, moment, and ambassadorship; they believed these terms usefully (if not necessarily fully) provided categories in which might be gathered the congeries of early modern cultural imagination and understanding.
Meanwhile, the countering WSF in Porto Allegre is a radical congeries of some 30,000-50,000 socialists, communists, anarchists, syndicalists.
18), about which I and, perhaps, others may be concerned given it has no label but, more critically, is attenuated and hence slightly misleading: orang ulu are conflated with a set of 7 sub-ethnic groups, plus "and others," to illustrate the larger so-called orang ulu "ethnic group," a somewhat simplistic title for these congeries of diverse ethnolinguistic groups.