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Words related to flour

fine powdery foodstuff obtained by grinding and sifting the meal of a cereal grain

cover with flour

convert grain into flour

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References in classic literature ?
Good Arthur, empty the bag upon the ground; I warrant thou wilt find a shilling or two in the flour."
Then slowly the Miller arose to his feet, and slowly and unwillingly he untied the mouth of the bag, and slowly thrust his hands into the meal and began fumbling about with his arms buried to the elbows in the barley flour. The others gathered round him, their heads together, looking and wondering what he would bring forth.
Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit, and that I could not do.
"There was the Miller with a large sack of flour on his back.
"Here's one of your kittens at least," said Ribby, dragging Moppet out of the flour barrel.
They shook the flour off her and set her down on the kitchen floor.
"I should think the flour would blow around and get into your eyes," said Dorothy.
"No," said he; "we are bothered with cracker dust sometimes, but never with flour."
But the Green Fisherman, not even noticing that it was he, turned him over and over in the flour until he looked like a Marionette made of chalk.
Fifty-pound sacks of flour were brought in from MacDonald's cache.
I went out over the Pass in a fall blizzard, with a rag of a shirt and a cup of raw flour. I got my grub-stake in Juneau that winter, and in the spring I went over the Pass once more.
As we rose to go, she opened her wooden chest and brought out a bag made of bed-ticking, about as long as a flour sack and half as wide, stuffed full of something.
As Alpatych was driving out of the gate he saw some ten soldiers in Ferapontov's open shop, talking loudly and filling their bags and knapsacks with flour and sunflower seeds.
The last time I made a cake I forgot to put the flour in.
"I've got a sled standing outside now, with twenty fiftypound sacks of flour on it," Matthewson went on with brutal directness; "so don't let that hinder you."