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a steroid antiinflammatory agent, used as the propionate salt topically in treatment of itching or inflammation, intranasally for allergic rhinitis and other inflammatory nasal conditions, and nasal polyps, and by inhalation in treatment of asthma.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A CORTICOSTEROID drug used as an inhalant to treat ASTHMA and hay fever. Extensive studies have shown that fluticasone is safe and effective and, in the recommended dosage, does not affect growth in childhood. Brand names are Flixonase (nasal spray), Flixotide (inhaler) and, for external use only, Cutivate. With SALMETEROL it is marketed as Seretide.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
* Recommended Dosage: Flovent HFA 44 mcg with dose counter is taken as two puffs twice daily.
* Special Considerations: Flovent HFA is preferable to an oral steroid like prednisone because patients on a steroid may be less able to heal after surgery, infection, or serious injury.
* Comment: Flovent HFA 88 mcg twice daily improved peak expiratory flow, reduced use of albuterol for rescue, and reduced nighttime awakenings attributed to asthma, compared with placebo in a 12-week study.
He has no affiliation with Flovent HFA or GlaxoSmithKline.
The Food and Drug Administration approved Flovent HFA Inhalation Aerosol for prophylactic and maintenance treatment of asthma in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older.
* Special Considerations: Flovent HFA Inhalation Aerosol is not indicated for relief of acute bronchospasm.
Caution is advised when transferring patients from systemically active corticosteroids to less systemically available inhaled steroids, such as Flovent HFA, because of increased risk of mortality from adrenal insufficiency.
* Comment: Nine hundred eighty adolescents and adults with asthma were treated with Flovent HFA in three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.
MONTHLY SALES TO 6/05 PRODUCT COMPANY MONTH (in millions) Avastin Genentech 3/04 40.0 Fentanyl patch * Mylan 2/05 37.7 Flovent HFA GlaxoSmithKline 3/05 36.4 Vytorin Merck/Schering 7/04 35.3 Cymbalta Lilly 8/04 31.8 Gabapentin * Teva 10/04 31.6 Gabapentin * Greenstone 10/04 31.4 Oxycodone HCI ER * Endo 6/05 30.1 Namenda Forest 1/04 28.3 Erbitux Imclone 2/04 27.4 * Generic.