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1. the advancing of the tide
2. a stream of molten or solidified lava
3. an informal word for menstruation
4. Scot
a. a marsh or swamp
b. an inlet or basin of the sea
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(computer science)
The sequence in which events take place or operations are carried out.
A forward movement in a continuous stream or sequence of fluids or discrete objects or materials, as in a continuous chemical process or solids-conveying or production-line operations.
(fluid mechanics)
The forward continuous movement of a fluid, such as gases, vapors, or liquids, through closed or open channels or conduits.
Any rock deformation that is not instantly recoverable without permanent loss of cohesion. Also known as flowage; rock flowage.
A function from the set of arcs in an s-t network to the nonnegative integers whose value at each arc is equal to or less than the weight of the arc.
The movement of electric charges, gases, liquids, or other materials or quantities.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. See cold flow.
2. A measure of the consistency of freshly mixed concrete, mortar, or cement paste in terms of the increase in diameter of a molded truncated-cone specimen after jigging a specified number of times.
3. That characteristic of a paint which enables it to form a uniform, smooth surface without showing brush marks or other evidence of the method of application.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A stream or movement of air or other fluid, or the rate of fluid movement, in the open or in a duct, pipe, or passage—specifically, airflow.
An Illustrated Dictionary of Aviation Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


A companion utility to Floppy by Julian James Bunn <julian@vxcrna.cxern.ch>. Flow allows the user to produce various reports on the structure of Fortran 77 code, such as flow diagrams and common block tables. It runs under VMS, Unix, CMS.

Posted to comp.sources.misc volume 31.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (foldoc.org)
References in periodicals archive ?
Free cash flow is overestimated when one ignores capital expenditures made in a business acquisition and embraces only capital expenditures made in ordinary transactions.
* Obtain confirmation from the chiller manufacturer that variable evaporator chilled water flow was possible and establish the maximum and minimum allowable evaporator chilled water flows.
From the previous literature, it could be gained that systematic work for the prediction of flow pattern transition is still demanded.
The sheath flow device was fabricated by soft lithography of PDMS using SU-8 structure as a mold.
Like the left side of Figure 3, the flow conditions of the example images for pure R134a shown were those that most closely matched the flow conditions of the images with oil.
The numerical investigation is carried out in order to clarify the flow behavior in the test sections.
[6] L.Chan., A.T.P.So and L.L.Lai, 2000, "Initial applications of complex artificial neural networks to load flow analysis," IEE Proc.
Laminar flow in the lung is due to the cartilaginous support in the airway.
When a positive displacement pump is driven by a prime mover at a speed of [N.sub.i] rpm, a theoretical flow rate, [Q.sub.d] = [V.sub.d] x [N.sub.i], is delivered at the discharge port of the pump.
Capital will continue to flow into real estate, but in the wake of a revitalized attentiveness to real estate fundamentals and a reduction in expectations (supply-demand), restraint will be more prevalent.