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Synonyms for cookery

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
No the self-taught student of cookery was absorbed in her subject.
Miss Mills replied in the affirmative so readily, that I further asked her if she would take charge of the Cookery Book; and, if she ever could insinuate it upon Dora's acceptance, without frightening her, undertake to do me that crowning service.
The exercise he had taken, and the sharpness of the wind, proved excellent stimulants; and Paul himself had hardly been in better plight to do credit to the trapper's cookery, than was the lover of nature, when the grateful invitation met his ears.
"I hope it was not in the Cannibal Islands," said Brown, "that he learnt the art of cookery." And he ran his eyes over the stew-pots or other strange utensils on the wall.
The secrets of the finer cookery were revived in the breasts of matronly house-wives, and daughters were again anxious to be initiated in them.
"Not that I like to do this sort of work," she explained, in reference to the cookery; "but because I can't get away from Dad's training."
On going out the Assistant Commissioner made to himself the observation that the patrons of the place had lost in the frequentation of fraudulent cookery all their national and private characteristics.
While the terrible drama of discovery was in progress on one side of the door, trivial questions about the amusements of Venice, and facetious discussions on the relative merits of French and Italian cookery, were proceeding on the other.
The salt with which the American humorist spoils his intellectual cookery by leaving it out.
Rachel Green, who will be headlining in the live cookery theatre at the pub's beer garden, will be giving a lively demonstration showcasing seasonal, spicy, British produce sponsored by Tiptree Jam.
A Walsall school has beaten competition from across the UK to be shortlisted for the Belling Cookery Club initiative to win PS2,000 worth of cooking appliances for their school - by asking pupils to design a healthy meal.
Spring flowers and pot plants, cookery and handicrafts classes were especially well-supported, making for a colourful display in the village hall.
GREAT British Bake Off star Prue Leith has hit out at the number of TV cookery programmes.
Lulu Hypermarket Bahrain is showcasing delicious cuisines of the world with a series of special promotions, cookery competitions and a variety of culinary demonstrations, including a visit by an Indian celebrity chef.
Fabiana, from Brazil and Elvis, from Columbia both signed up to study the Level Five Professional Cookery Course in a bid too boost their confidence in the kitchen.