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go with, fall together

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References in periodicals archive ?
According to researchers, workaholism can co-occur with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and depression, Health news reported.
"We now know that there are many disorders of neurological development that can give rise to learning disabilities, even in children of normal or even high intelligence, and that crucially these disabilities can also co-occur far more often that you'd expect based on their prevalence," lead author Professor Brian Butterworth said.
When the illness begins before or soon after puberty, it is often characterized by a continuous, rapid-cycling, irritable, and mixed symptom state that may co-occur with disruptive behavior disorders, particularly attention deficit [ILLEGIBLE TEXT] disorder (ADHD) or conduct disorder (CD), or may have features of these disorders as initial symptoms.
Research acknowledges that learning disability and attention deficit disorder (ADD) frequently co-occur. In addition to significant inattentiveness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, primary characteristics manifested in children diagnosed as ADD include "learning disorder" and "academic underachiever" (Marshall & Hynd, 1997; Stanford & Hynd, 1994).
A Theme-Rheme breakdown reveals that about four fifths of Attributives in each paper -- 77.3% in The Sun in; 80.3% in The Times -- co-occur with unmarked Themes (or those fronting a subject participant) only.
This article focuses on MRI, DTI, and MRS findings in neurological disorders that commonly co-occur with alcoholism, including Wernicke's encephalopathy, Korsakoff's syndrome, and hepatic encephalopathy.
No significant associations were found between race/ethnicity and other problems that commonly co-occur with autism, including attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, developmental delays, depression, behavior or conduct problems, epilepsy or seizure disorders, or hearing problems.
Linking the plant behaviors with their benefits is challenging when multiple processes co-occur."
Drug use disorders (DUDS) frequently co-occur with alcohol use disorders, affecting approximately 1.1 percent of the U.S.
Our findings suggest that face impressions are shaped not only by a face's specific features but also by our own beliefs about personality, for instance, the cues that make a face look competent and make a face look friendly are physically more similar for those who believe competence and friendliness co-occur in other people's personalities, "observes senior study author Jonathan Freeman.
It is important to note that when these disorders co-occur, the brain is under considerable assault that affects the individual's thinking, emotional functioning, behaviors and capacity for relationships.
"Not surprisingly, good things tend to co-occur in day care centers,' Kathleen McCartney of Harvard University says.