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A term referring to a person, other than the principal borrower, who signs for a loan. The cosigner(s) assumes equal liability for the loan.
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A third party to a loan who provides a guarantee that a loan will be repaid. The guarantee by the cosigner reduces the risk that the lender will lose the money he/she has distributed to the borrower. The cosigner signs an agreement with the lender stating that if the borrower fails to repay the loan, the cosigner will assume legal liability for it. A cosigner may be an institution, but is often a relative or friend of the borrower, especially for personal loans. Persons with little or poor credit history sometimes cannot receive a loan without a cosigner. See also: Surety.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


A person who signs a promissory note in such a capacity that he or she has equal and primary liability with another. Contrast with a guarantor, who is liable only if the original obligor defaults. A cosigner must list the promissory note as a liability on financial statements; a guarantor has only contingent liability which may never ripen into full liability.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Under the condonation program, SNPL grantees (and their co-makers) and FPPL borrowers will enjoy a 100 percent condonation of all surcharges if they would pay their outstanding balance in full.
Depositors with valid deposit accounts with balances of P100,000 and below shall be eligible for early payment and need not file deposit insurance claims, except accounts maintained by business entities, or when they have outstanding obligations with Countryside Cooperative Rural Bank of Batangas or acted as co-makers of these obligations,' the PDIC said.