secret ballot

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a vote in which each person's choice is secret but the totaled votes are public

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Qasim said Khan violated Pakistan's constitution, which guarantees the secrecy of the ballot. Images showed a smiling Khan with his ballot paper laid out in front of him as he marked the ballot.
Voter education programmes must endeavor be accurate and impartial and must attempt effectively to inform voters about the voting process, including how, when and where to vote, to register to vote and to verify proper registration, the secrecy of the ballot (and thus safety from retaliation}, the importance of voting, the functions of the offices that are under contention, and similar matters.
- A large-scale breach of Article 95, paragraph 4 (secrecy of the ballot) and article 96, first paragraph (voting for people with special needs).
While there's no law against them, beware, the Electoral Commission (EC) advises you to take your pictures outside the polling station because of laws about maintaining the secrecy of the ballot.
He held that the evidence tabled before the court on claims of irregularities on the face of Forms 37A, 37B and 37C was so overwhelming and the principle of the secrecy of the ballot was violated.
Justice Mabeya faulted the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officials saying they breached the principle of the secrecy of the ballot when the presiding officers asked voters to shout their candidate of choice during the voting.
Pre-registration of voters "does not restrict their freedom, it enhances the secrecy of the ballot," LADE said, calling on the Interior Ministry to begin immediately preparing for elections and setting the mechanism for early registration.
He said: "The secrecy of the ballot paper is fundamental.
Britain is not guaranteeing the secrecy of the ballot under UN, Council of Europe, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and other instruments: unique serial numbered ballots recorded by law in a list identifying the specific voter for each ballot issued are an affront to the secrecy of the vote.
The Better Together campaigning pinned its hopes that "shy Nos" back the union in the secrecy of the ballot box.
Maintaining the secrecy of the ballot would be a concern with this type of system, however.
BAGHDAD / NINA/ Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Nikolay Mladenov attended on Thursday a practical explanation of the voting process at polling stations aimed to shed light on how to ensure the secrecy of the ballot.
Meanwhile, in a separate development, The Election Commission on Friday rejected Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav's vote in the Presidential poll and directed the Returning Officer (RO) not to count it as the secrecy of the ballot had been violated.
The abolition of the property qualification for MPs came about in 1858, and the secrecy of the ballot was prescribed by law in 1872.
Among the union's claims are that the management compromised the secrecy of the ballot by urging flight attendants to vote on company-controlled work computers that could track whether they clicked on the NMB's Internet voting site.