secret plan

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Synonyms for secret plan

a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal)

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In the book, which is being serialised in theDaily Mail, he also claims that the Queen has a secret plan to make her son Prince Regent in just three years, which means he will be king in every sense except name.
The Tories have a secret plan to privatise the NHS, claims Labour leadership candidate Owen Smith
SAJID Javid has drawn up secret plans to cull yet more workers in his department as they battle to save our stricken steel industry.
Conservative chairman Grant Shapps insisted:"It's becoming clearer by the day that Ed Miliband has a secret plan for a new jobs tax and other higher taxes on hard-working people.
Conservative chairman Grant Shapps insisted: "It's becoming clearer by the day that Ed Miliband has a secret plan for a new jobs tax and other higher taxes on hardworking people.
India, March 13 -- An upcoming biography on Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has revealed some new information about Jobs' secret plan to buy Yahoo!, the close relationship between Jobs and Cook, and much more.
According to the latest reports, actress Kristen Stewart is trying to win the heart of the love of her life through a secret plan. Would they eventually reunite?
Does Conwy have a secret plan to demolish thousands of homes?
LAHORE, October 10, 2010 (Frontier Star): Ameer Jamiat Ullema Islam (JUI-F) Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman has said that the killing of the Ullema and blast on the Shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi Karachi could be part of secret plan. In a statement issued on Sunday, the JUI-F Ameer stated that main reasons behind such kind of activities are to spread violence and terror among the people.
LAHORE, October 10, 2010 (Balochistan Times): Ameer Jamiat Ullema Islam (JUI-F) Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman has said that the killing of the Ullema and blast on the Shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi Karachi could be part of secret plan. In a statement issued on Sunday, the JUI-F Ameer stated that main reasons behind such kind of activities are to spread violence and terror among the people.
One day they embarked on a secret plan which involved measuring and sifting and mixing ingredients to make a whole baking of cup cakes.
He said: "This is an extraordinary revelation and blows open the SNP secret plan to cut and tax.
HAROLD Wilson drew up a secret plan to expel Northern Ireland from the UK, a top adviser has revealed.
Media reports said that during Tuesday's raid, a secret plan was seized that called for illegal protests on July 7 across 40 provinces, assassinations and attacks on security forces.
Legerdemain: The President's Secret Plan, The Bomb, and What The French Never Knew ...