SECRSouth Eastern & Chatham Railway
SECRSoftware Engineering Conference Russia
SECRSubway & Erie Canal Revitalization (Rochester, NY)
SECRSophisticated Electronic Cash Register
SECRSquared Error-Correction Radius
SECRStandard Embedded Computer Resource
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Thirty eight patients (20.9%) showed no change in the 48-hour SeCr when compared to their baseline value, while 13 patients (7.1%) showed a slight (less than 10%) decrease.
Based on this definition, we did not encounter any patient with a more than 0.5mg/dL increase in the SeCr above baseline value.
(2014) reported 2 patients (0.3%) with a 0.5mg/dL or greater increase in 48-hour SeCr, and 40 patients (6.7%) who had a 25% or greater increase in SeCr, giving an incidence of 0.3 to 6.7% depending on the definition used.
This includes 1 patient with an increase in SeCr from 0.8mg/dL to 1.0mg/dL, which was not considered clinically relevant.
(12) Several studies have suggested that the risk of developing CIN is negligible if the SeCr is <2.0mgs/dL, and that the the risk starts increasing markedly above this value.
Initially positioned as an event for Russia-based audience, this year SECR attracted speakers and participants from 15 countries.
Another speaker from Reksoft, Andrey Smirnov addressed attendees of the SECR with the presentation on development of distributed fault-tolerant systems on Erlang, a general-purpose programming language and runtime environment with built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.
“It is a great honour for Reksoft presentations to be accepted in the main conference track at SECR. For us, this conference does not only give excellent networking opportunities with peers from leading Russian and international IT companies but also it is a one-stop knowledge base for getting access to top-notch technologies of today,” says Nickolay Sokornov, Director of Software Engineering at Reksoft.