

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
| Vanessa takes Adam's bottle before secrely using a DNA testing kit to check if he is Johnny's dad Elsewhere, Chas is alarmed when Aaron slips back into some bad old habits, and tells Gordon that their son's welfare has to come first.
Laurel and Ashley secretly visit a care home, but when Sandy later finds the leaflet and assumes it's | Vanessa takes Adam's bottle before secrely using a DNA testing kit to check if he is Johnny's dad for him, the vicar is forced to make a big announcement to his family.
Laurel and Ashley secretly visit a care home, but when Sandy later | Vanessa takes Adam's bottle before secrely using a DNA testing kit to check if he is Johnny's dad for him, the vicar is forced to make a big announcement to his family.