Valheim Wiki

Ashlands Dvergr are much stronger than their cousins Dvergr rogues, their status can be compared to two-star Dvergr rogues.

Ashlands Dvergr rogues are neutral creatures found in the Ashlands, especially around Dvergr settlements. They resemble short, blue humanoids with light blue eyes and redbeard hair carrying an Arbalest. Rogues that spawn at Dvergr structures will often be accompanied by a mix of other rogues; Rogues may spawn (and respawn) anywhere in the Ashlands.

Once provoked by a player (by damaging them, other nearby Dvergr, or any part of a nearby structure that is protected by a Dvergr Ward), they will become hostile and attack.

Ashlands Dvergr are naturally hostile to other aggressive creatures in the Ashlands and will attack them on sight.

Item 0 Star 1 Star 2 Star
Coins Coins 2-14 2-14 2-14
Black marble Black marble 50% 50% 50%
Soft tissue Soft tissue 25% 25% 25%
Dvergr trophy Dvergr trophy 5% 5% 5%



  • I think I'm going to sweat my beard off.
  • I was made for dwelling below ground, among the cool rocks. Not this blistering heat.
  • Careful, even the water here is boiling hot.
  • My cousin is stationed in the lands of fog. Lucky Whitebeard...
  • I wonder if there's any shade around here. Not that it'd help...
  • Hm. Smells like rotten eggs.
  • Mind your step. My brother lost a toe to the lava a while back.
  • My sister tried to tame an asksvin, you know. It bit off her hand, even though they don't even eat meat!
  • Vineberries, vineberries... I know I saw some around here...
  • I could really use a mug of cold ale right now...
  • When you think about it, this heat isn't worse than the heat from a good forge.
  • Don't forget to wipe off that sweat! Or else a morgen might smell you and decide you're its dinner.
  • Bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone...
  • Be careful if you see a big pile of bones. It usually means one of those morgen creatures is nearby.
  • Those undead bastards sure hoard some pretty gemstones...
  • This place is astonishing! So much land still to explore!
  • It may be warm, but the discoveries we make are their own reward.
  • Ha! A Whitebeard would never dare to venture here.
  • The Whitebeards could never withstand this heat. They just don't have the stones for it!
  • I came upon a ruin with a whole flock of asksvin yesterday! They were there to search for food, methinks.

Talk in faction base

  • I should never have bet on that dice game...
  • Then again, the heat isn't too bad!
  • I saw someone run around in just their underpants and some belts, seemed nice and cool...
  • Those siblings had the right idea. Imagine being off on your very own business venture in a cool forest!
  • I wonder what we'll find out here. Surely it must be worth it.
  • I wish I could have a nice, cool bath.
  • What do you suppose we'll find out here?
  • We sure hit those charred hard yesterday, didn't we?
  • They used to worship the Emerald Flame in these parts. Makes you wonder what kind of patron that is...
  • I've been thinking of getting a pet. It would be nice, don't you think?
  • A bit of sweat is good for you, my mother always said!
  • Ladi dadi dadi dada.
  • I hope the children are doing alright back home. It's been so long now since I last saw them...
  • When we get back home I think I'm going to pick up a new hobby.
  • I think my boot needs mending.
  • Ah, to feel the cool relief of mist on my face... I was a fool to leave that post behind.
  • I wonder what discoveries tomorrow will bring. Those Whitebeards don't know what they're missing!
  • I could never remain stationed at just one excavation for months. Us Redbeards are meant to explore!
  • The Whitebeards will be jealous when they hear of our success, I'm sure!
  • I don't care much for those smokepuff mushrooms myself. Only fit for asksvin food, really!


  • Who goes there?
  • A living person, huh? That's a nice change of pace.
  • Hello there.
  • Greetings.
  • Are you friend or foe?


  • Take care now.
  • Careful out there.
  • Until next time.
  • See you around. Or not.
  • TettÃ¥.

Private area alarm

  • Hey!
  • Stop that.
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • That's a good way to get yourself thrown into the lava.
  • I really wouldn't do that if I were you.


  • You really shouldn't have done that!
  • I'll get you for that!
  • You're going down!
  • I'll feed you to a bloody asksvin!
  • Oh you little–

