Garmin equipment – investigation procedure and searches
  • President of UOKiK, Tomasz Chróstny, has launched an investigation procedure regarding a possible competition-restricting agreement.
  • Garmin Polska, a representative of the manufacturer of smartwatches, among other products, may have entered into a price-fixing arrangement with distributors of its products.
  • A search has also been conducted in the registered offices of four entities. The analysis of collected evidence is underway.

The President of UOKiK has received signals indicating that Garmin Polska may have entered into an anti-competitive agreement with the distributors of its products. Businesses may have fixed the prices of smartwatches and other devices, e.g. GPS devices. The Competition Authority conducted an analysis, which showed that the prices of Garmin equipment in online stores were at the same or very similar level.

“Our analysis showed that signals indicating a possible price-fixing arrangement may be true. That is why I have launched an investigation procedure and ordered searches that were carried out with Police assistance at the registered office of Garmin Polska and three other businesses. A possible restriction of competition would also have impact on consumers and could have deprived them of the ability to purchase products at a cheaper price,” said Tomasz Chróstny, President of UOKiK.

The investigation procedure is conducted in rem and not against specific businesses. If the evidence collected confirms the suspicions, the President of the Competition Authority will initiate antitrust proceedings and bring charges against individual entities. An enterprise involved in a competition-restricting agreement faces a fine of up to 10% of its revenue. The managers responsible for entering into the price-fixing arrangement face a fine of up to PLN 2 million.

Severe sanctions can be avoided by taking advantage of the leniency scheme. It offers businesses involved in an illegal agreement and managers responsible for entering into a price-fixing arrangement an opportunity to reduce a sanction or, in some cases, avoid it altogether. It is intended for those who agree to cooperate with the President of UOKiK as a “crown witness” and provide evidence or information regarding the existence of a prohibited agreement. We encourage the parties interested in the leniency scheme to contact the Competition Authority. UOKiK staff will answer any questions, including anonymous questions, about the leniency scheme at the phone line set up specifically for that purpose, available by calling the following number: 22 55 60 555.

We would also like to remind you that we operate a program to obtain information from anonymous whistleblowers. Do you wish to inform UOKiK about competition restricting practices? Visit or scan the QR code below and use the simple form. The system we use guarantees full anonymity, including from the Competition Authority.

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00-950 Warsaw
baseline-phone+48 22 55 60 246

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