Collusions on the labor market – stop! It is illegal!

Collusions on the labor market – stop! It is illegal!

Did Dino and Biedronka chains, along with transport companies, illegally agree not to “poach” each other’s drivers? The President of UOKiK has initiated preliminary investigation while the UOKiK officials, upon a consent of the court and assisted by the Police, searched the premises of the companies.

Video game market - preliminary investigation

Video game market - preliminary investigation

Could there have been restrictive practices in the video game sales market from which game developers, platform providers and gamers may be losing out? The President of UOKiK has initiated preliminary investigation concerning the case in question. In addition, UOKiK’s staff have inspected the headquarters of several businesses.

Radio market – end of preliminary investigation

Radio market – end of preliminary investigation

Tomasz Chróstny, President of UOKiK, has closed the investigation into entities forming the Radio Research Committee. The information collected has not proven any violation of competition rules in shaping methodology of the Radio Track research and verification of its results.

Siloes – preliminary investigation and searches

Siloes – preliminary investigation and searches

Has the increase of prices for siloes intended for storing crops following the announcement of aid scheme for farmers been the consequence of an illegal competition-restricting arrangement? President of UOKiK, Tomasz Chróstny, has initiated preliminary investigation while the UOKIK officials, upon a consent of the court and assisted by the Police, carried out searches at the premises of two entrepreneurs.