Global level

At the global level, UOKiK actively participates in consumer and competition protection activities of organisations such as:

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), was established on 30 September 1961 and brings together 38 highly developed and democratic countries. Its aim is to help member states achieve the highest possible level of economic growth and living standards for their citizens. UOKiK staff members participate in the OECD works in the Competition Committee and in the Committee for the Consumer Policy and its subordinate working groups.


The OECD Competition Committee is the most important international forum in the field of competition policy and law, which brings together the heads of antitrust offices of the Member States from all over the world. It is the primary initiator of competition policy analysis and an advisory body to governments, and is responsible for promoting market reforms, including efforts to address restrictive practices.

During the meetings, representatives of the Office analyse the sectors of the economy in which the most frequent violations of competition law occur. Together with experts from other countries, they exchange experiences in antitrust proceedings and look for the best solutions to improve the state of competition in national markets. They also present issues related to the implementation of competition policy in Poland and discuss current developments in antitrust law. While fulfilling its international role in complying with competition protection regulations, UOKiK participates in the works of the OECD Competition Committee and its specialised working groups on competition and regulation as well as on cooperation and law enforcement.

Every year UOKiK presents a report on the development of competition policy in Poland:

Global Forum on Competition

Since 2001, the OECD has held annual meetings of The Global Forum on Competition where more than 110 government representatives and various organisations from around the world meet to discuss major competition issues, promote global cooperation and discuss competition policy among governments and organisations. The topics from most recent yearly meetings can be accessed under the links below:


The OECD Committee on Consumer Policy

This committee brings together representatives of the Member States' central consumer policy authorities as well as experts from social organisations and entrepreneurs. The Committee remains one of the major intergovernmental forums with global reach that addresses consumer policy. The work of the Committee focuses on promoting cooperation between OECD Member States and third countries and the implementation of legal recommendations in the field of consumer protection. The Committee also cooperates with consumer organisations, entrepreneurs and academia, conducting consultations on the creation of effective consumer policy mechanisms aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the global economy and consumer protection.

Working Party on Consumer Product Safety

The work of the OECD on consumer product safety aims to improve cooperation between jurisdictions, effectively exchange information, and promote cooperation between product safety market surveillance, enforcement and regulatory bodies worldwide. This cooperation is reflected in:

  • early recognition of consumer product safety issues;
  • sharing practices and regulatory developments;
  • consistently addressing consumer product safety issues through regular participation and support for global and regional forums.

The mission of the International Competition Network (ICN), is to promote the adoption of the highest standards and procedures in competition policy worldwide and to seek to facilitate effective international cooperation for the benefit of member agencies, consumers and economies. Representatives from the antitrust agencies work together in five working groups:

ICN Framework for Competition Agency Procedures (CAP)

Fair and effective procedures are essential for proper enforcement of competition law. To support this idea, the ICN has published the ICN Framework on Competition Agency Procedures, an initiative joined by UOKiK. In addition to our office, 72 other competition agencies have agreed to cooperate under this agreement. The overarching goal of the agreement, is to maximise procedural fairness, minimise administrative burden on participants operating in different jurisdictions and with different resources, while making the most important antitrust laws and policies more visible.

Each participating agency has completed a report on how they adhere with the CAP. The documents are available on the ICN CAP website.

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International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN) is an organisation associating consumer protection authorities from more than 70 countries worldwide. The work of the Network is chaired by a state pursuing annual, rotational residency within a specific period.

On 1st July 2023, Poland started to chair ICPEN for the second time (previously in the years: 2006-2007). The motto of the Polish Presidency will be as follows: “Empowering responsible consumer choices”, while our priority will be to develop and continue projects promoting the enhancement of the consumer position which will allow authorities enforcing consumer laws to continue to share practices in that regard. We will pursue our priorities both by way of implementation and continuation of the initiatives in the areas such as: Internet marketing, dark patterns, online consumer protection – finance of the future, misleading environmental statements.

For the Polish Presidency, searching for synergy among various consumer protection networks and platforms (EU, OECD, UNCTAD, GPEN) so as to strengthen cooperation and not to copy activities but to be complementary to one another will be of equal importance.

Additionally, during the Polish Presidency, the ICPEN Strategic Plan for the years 2024-2027 will be revised and updated.

The aim of the network is to:

  • coordinate and cooperate in the enforcement of consumer laws,
  • exchange information on market practices with a cross-border dimension that may adversely affect consumer interests, as well as new trends and risks in consumer protection,
  • exchange information on best practices for key consumer laws and enforcement powers and regulatory approaches to consumer protection.

UOKiK participates in the following ICPEN initiatives:

  • High Level Meetings - organised once a year by the country holding the Presidency to discuss the main directions of activities within ICPEN;
  • Advisory Group of the ICPEN Presidency;
  • plenary conferences - held twice a year in the country holding the Presidency;
  • Best Practices Workshop, an annual two-day workshop on current consumer protection issues;
  • – a project which enables registering International consumer complaints;
  • Annual Internet Sweep Day, which browses the Internet for fraudulent and misleading websites;
  • Working groups and regular seminars on current issues in the area of consumer protection;

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), is a permanent intergovernmental body established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1964. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, with offices in New York and Addis Ababa. UNCTAD is part of the UN Secretariat. It reports to the UN General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council but has its own members, leadership and budget. It is also part of the United Nations Development Group.

The United Nations General Assembly has entrusted UNCTAD with the role of focal point within the United Nations on competition and consumer protection issues, as stated in General Assembly Resolutions 35/63 of 22 April 1980 on Competition, and 70/186 of 22 December 2015 On Consumer Protection.

The aim of the Competition and Consumer Policy Program is to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development goals by improving the functioning of markets through enhanced competition and consumer protection.

One of the goals of UNCTAD's activities is to promote competition protection and foster global competitiveness in order to provide equal trade opportunities at the global level. UNCTAD supports policies and promotes frameworks that protect and empower consumers against the unfair practices of more powerful entrepreneurs.

Protection of Competition

Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy

UOKiK participates in the meetings of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on Competition Law and Policy held once a year. This group meets to discuss ways to improve global cooperation on competition policy implementation and increase convergence through dialogue. The basis for intergovernmental consultations is the United Nations set of principles on competition.

The IGE Group has no rule-making function, but conducts its work through:

  • interactive debates
  • voluntary mutual evaluation of competition law and policy
  • round tables on specialised competition issues
  • reviews of technical assistance and capacity building activities.

Once agreement is reached on the recommendations, individual member states decide whether and how to implement the recommendations (e.g. through unilateral, bilateral or multilateral agreements, as appropriate).

Cross-border Cartel Working Group

In 2020, a working group on cross-border cartels was established, open to United Nations Member States, with the main purpose of highlighting best practices, facilitating information exchange and consultation, and reporting to the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy. The working group meets regularly by teleconference and is open representatives of national competition authorities, interested organisations or international networks.

Consumer Protection

The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy

UOKiK participates in meetings of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy. It is a permanent body established under the United Nations Consumer Protection Guidelines that works to monitor the application and implementation of the guidelines, provide a forum for consultation, conduct research and studies, provide technical assistance, undertake voluntary peer reviews, and periodically update the guidelines.

The working groups meet regularly and informally by teleconference and are open to government representatives with relevant expertise (e.g., national consumer protection authorities, national consumer product safety authorities), interested international organizations and networks and parties representing civil society and academic environment.