What we do

The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection is a central governmental, independent authority responsible for making and implementing competition and consumer protection policies in Poland. They report directly to the Prime Minister, who appoints them from amongst the persons selected by way of an open and competitive contest.

The mission of the Office (UOKiK) is to increase consumer welfare through effective protection of consumers’ interests and to promote the development of competition while respecting the principles of openness and dialogue with market participants.

Areas of activity:

Competition protection

  • combating anti-competitive practices used by undertakings (prohibited agreements and abuse of a dominant position) 
  • control of undertaking concentration
  • monitoring aid granted by the state 
  • eliminating practices involving an unfair use of contractual advantage 
  • counteracting payment gridlocks (excessive payment delays in commercial transactions)

Consumer protection 

  • eliminating practices infringing the collective consumer interests and abusive clauses in model contracts 
  • supervising the Trade Inspection 
  • carrying out market surveillance and ensuring the safety of non-food products 
  • monitoring the out-of-court consumer dispute resolution system 
  • financing consumer advice through helpline and e-advice 
  • advising in cross-border issues provided by the European Consumer Centre

See also: