Jura coffee machines - proceedings by the President of UOKiK
  • For almost 10 years, have the prices of Jura brand coffee makers been set by collusion?
  • President of UOKiK Tomasz Chróstny has initiated proceedings against Jura Poland and the store owners in this case: RTV Euro AGD, Media Markt and Media Expert.
  • One individual has also received charges.

Jura Poland is the exclusive importer of Jura brand coffee machines. The President of UOKiK, among others during the search at the headquarters of several business entities, obtained evidence indicating that the entrepreneur may have entered into an anti-competitive agreement with authorised distributors of its products.

- From the evidence gathered it appears that Jura Poland may have colluded with coffee machine vendors, including major electronics and appliance stores. Entrepreneurs might have been fixing prices in an unauthorised manner for nearly 10 years. This would mean that consumers could not buy coffee machines cheaper than at top-down prices - says the President of UOKiK, Tomasz Chróstny.

Jura Poland and authorised distributors might have been agreeing on minimum resale prices for coffee machines and their accessories. The information gathered during the preliminary investigation shows that the rates used by vendors could not be lower than those established. There may also have been some arrangements on promotional prices and the value of freebies for end customers. The arrangements could have been applicable to both traditional sales and online stores.

Jura Poland might have also been monitoring the prices charged by authorised distributors and intervening if they were below a set level, such as by threatening to stop deliveries, terminate the contract or not renew it. The purpose of these actions may have been to pressure the application of prices set by the agreement. Vendors might have also observed each other’s operations and ask Jura Poland to intervene if prices were too low.

The President of UOKiK brought charges against Jura Poland and an executive at the company who was responsible for the entrepreneur’s distribution policy. Proceedings are also underway against four major Jura coffee machine vendors: Euro-net, Media Saturn Holding, Media Saturn Online and Terg. These are the owners of popular electronics and home appliance stores: RTV Euro AGD, Media Markt and Media Expert. According to the regulations, the maximum fine for participation in an anti-competitive agreement is 10 percent of turnover for an entrepreneur and PLN 2 million for managers.

Severe sanctions can be avoided by taking advantage of the leniency scheme. It offers to entrepreneurs involved in an illegal agreement and to managers responsible for collusion an opportunity to reduce a sanction or, in some cases, avoid it altogether. It can be used as long as you cooperate as a “crown witness” with the President of UOKiK and provide evidence or information regarding the existence of a prohibited agreement. We encourage the parties interested in the leniency scheme to contact the Authority. By calling a dedicated number: 22 55 60 555, UOKiK staff will answer any questions about the leniency programme, including anonymous ones.

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