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The limitation of a system’s behaviour to a region of state space; bounded signals cannot have behaviour that approaches infinity.
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It maintained that Government funds, based on a stranded 2,000 MW capacity that is constrained largely by factors other than distribution limitations (gas, frequency, line, hydro), should not be invested in a sub-sector that has been privatized.
The market is not equally constrained. Lesser-known suppliers may have material not available at the more well-known suppliers.
In one case the constrained portion remained at 6 mm.
Due to time constraints normal versus constrained walking was performed on eight of these subjects (below).
Leveraging LTE, the most globally ubiquitous signal available, PoLTE's cloud-based platform is capable of persistently and ubiquitously tracking the position of mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) devices (including those constrained by size, cost and power consumption) in real-time as they move seamlessly between outdoor and indoor environments.
As such, she explains further that they are constrained to keep returning to the clinic with the same sickness.
Yang, "A fractional trust region method for linear equality constrained optimization," Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
The purpose of this case report was to describe a case of persistent posterolateral instability after several revision TKA surgeries, including revision to a condylar constrained design, satisfactorily corrected with soft-tissue reconstruction alone (fibular-based PLC reconstruction using a tibialis tendon allograft) without further prosthesis revision.
In the second report, the RSPB argues that the Airport Commission's recommendation that the south-east can have one new runway and still be compliant with the UK Climate Change Act assumes that aviation emissions will be constrained by regulatory measures.
With fuel (coal/gas) constraints affecting the thermal power plants, and lower rainfall reducing hydro generation as compared to last year, the supply of power on the exchange remained constrained. Consequently, an average of about 75 MUs of power was cleared on a daily basis in July - almost 14 per cent lower than average daily volume in the month of June.
In the second report, the RSPB argues that the Airport Commission's recommendation that the southeast can have one new runway and still be compliant with the UK Climate Change Act assumes that aviation emissions will be constrained by regulatory measures.
The updated report is estimated to contain a constrained indicated resource of 1.60 mill ion ounces of gold averaging 5.39 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold (Au) and an additional constrained inferred resource of 0.43 million ounces of gold averaging 4.37 g/t Au, at a 2.5 g/t Au cutoff grade.

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