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CONSTRAINT. In the civil and Scottish law, by this term is understood what, in the common law, is known by the name of duress.
     2. It is a general rule, that when one is compelled into a contract, there is no effectual consent, though, ostensibly, there is the form of it. In such case the contract will be declared void.
     3. The constraint requisite thus to annul a contract, must be a vis aut me us qui cadet in constantem virum, such as would shake a man of firmness and resolution. 3 Ersk. 1, Sec. 16; and 4, 1, Sec. 26; 1 Bell's Conn. B. 3, part 1, o. 1, s. 1, art. 1, page 295.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
On the other hand, the umbrella body of the 11 distribution companies, Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors (ANED) had countered FG's claim, stressing that the purported stranded power is constrained by insufficient gas caused by inadequate and incomplete gas pipeline structure and the absence of a strong commercial framework.
And given that most of the constrained material is not non-cancellable, nonreturnable (NCNR), 80 to 90% of materials within the 60 to 90 day window can typically be moved out.
Three pediatric patients (mean age, 10 years; range, 6-15 years) underwent constrained TIPS procedures between January 2014 and June 2014.
(2005) the present study hypothesized that the relationship between SSWS and a deflection point in CHO oxidation rates (abrupt increase in rate) would hold for both constrained and non-constrained walking.
By offloading computation-heavy location calculations from the device to the cloud, the PoLTE positioning solution makes location positioning available to a wider variety of devices, including those that are constrained by battery life, memory, processing power, size and cost.
She says as a result of the shortage of drugs, they are now constrained to write prescriptions for patients that go to the clinic for medication.
In the article titled "A Fractional Trust Region Method for Linear Equality Constrained Optimization" [1], Dr.
However, the age of the MBQ is well constrained around Ordovician (DiPietro and Pogue, 1992), while the age of Sherwan Quartzite unit is poorly constrained.
Beech explores a machine that tames the comet, places it in clockwork with its path and appearance constrained to the rhythmical turn of a mechanical crank.
There is little reported data on the management of this condition and none of the current studies address the efficacy of soft-tissue reconstruction alone in the treatment of these patients who have failed revision to a more constrained design.
EDBI's Long and Short-Term FCRs remain constrained by Iran's sovereign FCRs.

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