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Related to constrained: Constrained motion

constrain (one) from (doing something)

To prevent or hinder one from doing something. For years, stage fright constrained me from singing in public. I think they've got a pretty unique product, so it's unfortunate that a lack of capital has constrained them from increasing production. You can't let other people's opinions constrain you from doing what you want to do!
See also: constrain
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

constrain someone from doing something

to prevent someone from doing something; to hold someone back from doing something. I hope this doesn't constrain you from trying out for the play. His handicap did not constrain him from finishing the race.
See also: constrain
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
'Premise or basis for the N72 billion investment, as proposed by the Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (MoPWH) has been the need to evacuate the 'stranded' 2,000 MW of electricity that is constrained by distribution network limitations.
However, the levels in a constrained market are typically higher than would be considered optimum in times of no material constraint.
This "constrained" TIPS technique creates an intentional narrowing of the shunt, which can be overdilated at a future procedure.
Within 1 week, eight of the fourteen individuals attended a further test (test 2), following the same procedure and pre-test conditions as test 1, however, the right leg was immobilised using a custom made hip and knee brace (allowing 20[degrees] flexion at the knee and 10[degrees] movement at the hip, weighing less than 2 kg) in order to provide an altered ('constrained') walking condition (Elsworth et al., 2006).
In this procedure, she was revised to a condylar femoral constrained prosthesis, the NexGen Legacy Constrained Condylar Knee (LCCK), Zimmer (Zimmer Inc., Warsaw, IN, USA).
RSPB economist Adam Dutton, author of the report, said: "The rest of the economy will be heavily penalised if emissions from aviation are not constrained. We estimate the cost could rise to as much as PS8bn a year and maybe more.
The southern states, particularly Tamil Nadu and Kerala, were the worst affected as power flow into the southern region continued to be constrained.
RSPB economist Adam Dutton, author of the report, said: "e rest of the economy will be heavily penalised if emissions from aviation are not constrained. We estimate the cost could rise to as much as PS8bn a year and maybe more.
Thus, it is counterintuitive to think that firms would make abnormally large investments when they are financially constrained. However, Gatchev, Pulvino and Tarhan (2010) show that firms do not necessarily reduce their investment programs due to financial constraint.
Access to finance for businesses, especially SMEs, remains constrained. FDI has fallen by 75% from 2008 levels.
Adelaide, Australia, Feb 28, 2013 - (ABN Newswire) - Beach Energy Ltd (ASX:BPT) advises that Halifax-1 well, located in ATP 855 (Beach 60% and operator, Icon Energy Ltd 40%), which commenced the constrained flow back of gas and stimulation fluid in early February 2013, is now flowing gas at 3.2 MMscfd through a 40/64" choke.
of Technology, Poland) presents model-based control methods and techniques for non-linear, specifically constrained, systems.
Extending the econometric findings to all small businesses, however, requires that we control for differences between firms that are credit constrained and those that are unconstrained, and firms that have debt and those that have no debt.
This follows the same action taken on Peru's sovereign ceiling for foreign currency deposits as Banco de Credito del Peru's deposit rating is constrained by
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