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BARRACK. By this term, as used in Pennsylvania, is understood an erection of upright posts supporting a sliding roof, usually of thatch. 5 Whart. R. 429.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
He was made the Minister for Sport because he is a typical fan on the terraces with the opinions of a bar-room barracker.
The crazed barracker hurled 45 minutes of abuse at Baddiel as the funnyman did a stand-up routine at a club.
Canning cut a solemn figure at time-up as he appealed for the barrackers to get behind his struggling side.
Ipswich defender Tommy Smith has the support of boss Mick McCarthy as he tries to get the barrackers off his back.
Manager Billy Frith's notes are always worth a re-read as he rails against outrageous bad luck and misfortune, the 'London Press' and discontented barrackers.
Melbourne is as notorious for its 'barrackers' (AFL fans) as Boston is for its 'kranks' (baseball fans).
In order to understand this profound interrelationship, it is essential not to limit the analysis to specific groups of extreme supporters, or barrackers, as too often is the case in articles on soccer and society.
This yelling was so notable that spectators were termed barrackers, after the word barrack, which then referred to derisive shouts.