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Temporary or permanent housing erected for soldiers or groups of workers.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a building with residential, service, and training premises for the permanent quartering of the personnel of military units. The first known specialized structures for the quartering of troops were in ancient Rome and Carthage. Barracks were built in Spain from the 16th century and in France from the 17th century. The first barracks in Russia were built in 1741 in St. Petersburg, for the quartering of the Semenovskii, Preobrazhen-skii, Izmailovskii, and Cavalry Guards Regiments.

In the Soviet armed forces, in accordance with the InteriorService Regulations of the Armed Forces of the USSR (1960), each barrack must have special premises for the quartering ofeach company.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Permanent or temporary housing for soldiers or, less often, groups of workmen.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Kim beheld Mahbub Ali frying in flame for his treachery, but for himself he saw one long grey vista of barracks, schools, and barracks again.
"It's amazing," said the officer, "what excuses these invalids of mine make to get back to barracks. There's a man in my company now asked me for leave to go back to cantonments to pay a debt he'd forgotten.
Maybe Stanley had taught him all about this in barracks. At any rate, when the punkah stopped, Garin would first growl and cock his eye at the rope, and if that did not wake the man it nearly always did--he would tiptoe forth and talk in the sleeper's ear.
I thought of taking her to her rooms at the Ismailofsky barracks first; but she wouldn't hear of it.
Summary: Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Aug 20 (ANI): A head constable allegedly committed suicide by jumping off from the police barrack building in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Thomas Barrack has been outed as a central figure in the U.S.' foreign policy dealings with the Middle East.
WASHINGTON -- Investigators working for special counsel Robert Mueller have interviewed one of President Donald Trump's closest friends and confidants, California real estate investor Tom Barrack, The Associated Press has learned.
He said that the police barracks, for example, when a large allocation was given to upgrade the barrack from two units to become only one unit, each barrack would have three bedrooms and at least two bathrooms.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- A huge explosion occurred near an army barrack in Maiduguri, Nigeria's Borno State capital and an official confirmed that two people were killed in the explosion.
One of Trump's best friends, billionaire Tom Barrack, is the person largely responsible for uniting Manafort and Gates with Trump.
Barrack is the mastermind behind the scheme, founding a company five years ago that has taken 31,000 single-family homes off the housing market and calling it "the greatest thing I've ever done."