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Temporary or permanent housing erected for soldiers or groups of workers.
Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012, 2002, 1998 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a building with residential, service, and training premises for the permanent quartering of the personnel of military units. The first known specialized structures for the quartering of troops were in ancient Rome and Carthage. Barracks were built in Spain from the 16th century and in France from the 17th century. The first barracks in Russia were built in 1741 in St. Petersburg, for the quartering of the Semenovskii, Preobrazhen-skii, Izmailovskii, and Cavalry Guards Regiments.

In the Soviet armed forces, in accordance with the InteriorService Regulations of the Armed Forces of the USSR (1960), each barrack must have special premises for the quartering ofeach company.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Permanent or temporary housing for soldiers or, less often, groups of workmen.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The remains of a child, thought to be between eight and 10, have been found in a shallow pit in the corner of a barrack room floor at Vindolanda Roman fort near Bardon Mill.
They were picked up by military police the following day and returned to their barracks.
It was previously expected that 120 civilian staff at the barracks would be found new posts.
In addition, the Army's Whole Barracks Renewal Program requires transformation of facilities to comply with 21 st century building codes and antiterrorism and force protection standards.
The naming of Coleman Barracks is exceptional because it is the only Barracks in the Heidelberg area other than Patton to be named after an officer.
The name derives from the settlement's corrugated iron barrack buildings that over time rusted to a distinctive deep red.
He is paid 40,000 rupiah (about $4) a day to carry about 25 letters a day among the barracks.
Winner: 25th Avn Regt, Wheeler Army Airfield, Schofield Barracks, HI Runner-up: Avn Ctr Logs Cmd, Ft Rucker, AL
Barracks quarters no matter how tight, claustrophobic and bereft of privacy--is required living space for an estimated 200,000 enlisted service people throughout all service branches, including 18,000 Navy sailors allotted 6-by-3-foot bunk space aboard ship where they also live while in their home port.
Yet, despite observing that the painted-on bullet holes on the barracks are phony, the tone of the article unquestionably trumpets the purported heroism of Castro and his comrades.
DOD and the services have not determined whether "privatization," or private sector financing, ownership, operation, and maintenance of military barracks is feasible and cost-effective.