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League of Legends Wiki
[view] [edit] [history] [purge] Template documentation
You may also be looking for {{Citation needed}}, {{Missing}} or {{Pending for test}}.

The following article message boxes can be placed at the top of articles to alert readers and editors about the contents of the article or section.

Additional usage options
  • You can override the default category using |category=Example category.
    • The Category: namespace should not be included.
  • You can set |category=false to disable any category generation from these templates.
    • This feature has been used in this documentation.
    • Some amboxes are false by default.
Color code
⬤ Moderation Request
⬤ Message
⬤ Alert
⬤ Editorial Request/Message
⬤ Maintenance Message
Messages for Editors
Usage Category
{{Audio construction|<1:justification>}} Category:Audio pages under construction
Used on audio pages which are currently under construction for the Audio Project.
Hit That High Emote
"Hear the world in my voice!"

This audio page is under construction for the Audio Project. For more information, head over to the Audio Project page.

This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Cleanup|<1:justification>}} Category:Articles marked for cleanup
Used on articles which do not follow one of the policies of the League of Legends Wiki.
LoL Facebook Icon 21
"Time for a shakedown."

This article or section may require clean-up to meet League of Legends Wiki's quality standards. Reason given: none.

Please help improve the article if you can.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Construction|<1:justification>}} Category:Articles under construction
Used on articles which are currently being worked on by an editor.
WIP logo

An editor has marked this article or section as being actively worked on. Please be patient to avoid edit-conflicts. Please consider contacting the last editor or replacing this notice with {{ToDo}} when its expiration date has passed: 13-May-2024 15:40.

This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Editors needed|<1:custom message>|<subject:subject>}} Category:Articles with lack of editors
Used on articles with subjects that lack editors.
Despair Emote
"Let's find some friends."
This article has not been fully realised due to lack of active editors for this subject. If you want to contribute, please do so.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Merge|<1:target>|<2:justification>}} Category:Requested merges
Used on articles which should be merged with a given main article.
Teamwork! Emote

It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with {{{target}}}. Reason given: none.

If you wish to discuss this, please explain why here.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Outdated|<1:additional information>}}
{{Outdated if new patch|<1:version>}}
{{Outdated if new champion|<1:champion>}}
{{Outdated if after|<1:date/time object>}}
Category:Outdated information
Used on articles with outdated information (given a certain condition is met).
Outta Time! Emote
"Time doesn't heal all wounds."

This template or section is outdated. Please update this template to reflect recent events or newly available information.

This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Split|<1:target>|<2:justification>}} Category:Requested splits
Used on articles which should be split into two given articles.
Fated Pair Emote
"He took an axe and split himself in two— right down the middle."

It has been suggested that this article or section be split into distinct {{{target}}} articles or sections. Reason given: none.

If you wish to discuss this, please explain why here.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Stub|<1:additional information>}} Category:Article stubs
Used on articles which are too short to provide more than rudimentary information about a subject.
LoL Facebook Icon 29

This article or section is a stub. You can help the League of Legends Wiki by casting Wild Growth on it so it isn't as small as a yordle.

This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Character stub|<1:missing sections>}} Category:Character stubs
Used on articles that have been updated to the new character layout but are lacking editor-written content.
Your Move Emote
"It is just as the spies described."
This article is a character stub. It needs a lore enthusiast to help fill-out the missing sections following the written conventions.
If you're eager to help but would like to reference a completed character article:
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Timeworn|<1:external reference>}} Category:Articles with requests for content
Used on articles which have scarcity of information and will most likely never be finished
Phew LoR Emote
"Blind to the truth."
The subject of this article or section is known to exist but official documentation is scarce. If you have a first hand account, you can help the League of Legends Wiki out by making a contribution to this article.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{ToDo|<1:additional information>}} Category:Articles with requests for content
Used on articles which are missing structural or substantial information
Raise your Dongers! Emote
"Hmm... let me fix that."
This article or section is substantially or structurally incomplete. You can help the League of Legends Wiki by expanding it. For more projects, see the Community To Do List.
This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Delete|<1:justification>}} Category:Candidates for deletion
Used on articles which should be deleted
Mark Of The Kindred Emote
"Our mark looms over you."

This article or section has been marked for deletion. Reason given: none.

This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
{{Protect|<1:justification>}} Category:Candidates for protection
Used on articles which should be protected
Much Love Emote
"My shield is here for you!"

This article has been marked for protection. Reason given: none

This article was last edited by Ruwbz on 13-Nov-2023 15:40.
Messages for Readers
Usage Category
{{Alternate Universe lore}} Category:Alternate Universe lore
Used on lore articles which are not part of the the main League of Legends universe.
Howdy Emote
"Frontier's whatever you want it to be."
This story occurs in another universe within the Multiverse, separate from the main Runeterra Prime universe.
{{Inspired lore}} Category:Inspired lore
Used on lore articles that originate from the Community tab or are explicitly stated to be an inspired version of the original story.
Give Me Your Support Emote
"Oh, dear. I don't like this timeline at all."
This article is an inspired story crafted in collaboration with external partners, such as the Community tab. Consequently, it is NOT regarded as part of the Runeterra Prime universe, including its broader Multiverse.
{{Disambig|<1:optional text>}} Category:Disambiguations
Used on non-article pages that list links to articles covering topics that could have had the same title.
OMG I love it Emote
"You messed with the wrong Neeko!"

The term you searched for could refer to any number of things - so we created this disambiguation page to help get you where you're going.

  • If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.
  • If there are only two things listed below, consider turning this page into a redirect for the most popular destination and then add an 'X' redirects here. See also: other X. to the top of that page.

{{Old lore}} Category:Old lore
Used on lore articles who refer to the old lore of League of Legends.
Goodbye, Friend! Emote
"Are we done in this reality yet? Hello? Hellooo?"
This story is considered part of the old lore and is no longer part of the main canon, but exists here for historical purposes.
{{Removed|<1:justification>|<type:type>}} Category:Removed content
Used on articles which refers to content that was removed from any game.
Oops Emote
"You belong in a museum!"
This article or section may contain obsolete information, but exists here for historical purposes.
{{Trivia header|<1:character>}} Category:Trivia pages
Used on trivia pages of champions. This template is used in Template:Trivia compilation and should not be used anywhere else.
Amused and Confused Emote

This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Aatrox's Aatrox's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

The information found on this page cannot be edited from here - please follow the provided links to the source articles. This page will automatically reflect changes made elsewhere.
{{Apology|<1:custom message>}} Category:Articles with an editor apology
LoL Facebook Icon 27
"Would it help if I apologized?"
{{Canonical inconsistencies|<1:custom message>}} Category:Articles with canonical inconsistencies
Used on pages that contain canonical inconsistencies created by the inconsistent story writing
This Changes Everything Emote
"I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm... different. But you changed too. So, here's to the new us."

In Dev Update - Champs, Lore & More, Laura 'poisonpixxi' DeYoung, Head of IP Creative for Riot Games, elaborated on their new approach to narrative cohesiveness by ironing out any inconsistencies that have sprung up over the years.

This article contains information that conflicts with this new narrative and will most likely be changed/moved in the following year(s).

For further information on these changes, see Canonical inconsistencies
{{Current}} Category:Events in progress
Used on articles which covers current events.
Teemote Emote
"I'll scout ahead!"
This article documents a current event. Information may change rapidly as the event progresses.
{{Experimental|<1:explanation>|<2:where to post feedback>}} Category:Articles with experimental formats
Used on articles which showcases a new design or information.
LoL Facebook Icon 24
"No technique is forbidden."
  • This article or section is showcasing a new look.
  • Please leave criticisms or feedback in the comments section below.
{{Fake}} Category:Fake articles
Used on example articles which showcases an article with a recurring format.
LoL Facebook Icon 20
"It's all smoke and mirrors."

This article is for demonstration purposes. The content is fictional or arbitrary.

  • Discussion regarding this demonstration can be found on Discord server.
{{Out of scope|<1:fandom name>|<2:article title>}} false
Used on articles where the subject matter is out of the scope of League of Legends/Runeterra intellectual property.
Stellar DAB! Emote
"Perhaps there is more to this world than I thought - not much, but enough."
Our editor community has decided that The League of Legends Wiki will only cover information pertaining to the Runeterra intellectual property and its bigger Multiverse which it is intrinsically part of.

For more extensive information about Spoiler, please visit the Valorant Wiki.
{{Content descriptors|<1:type(s)>}} Category:Articles with content descriptors
Used on articles which contain age-rated topics.
Control Ward icon This article or section references Gore and Strong Language.
{{Spoiler|<1:media>}} false
Used on articles or sections where the information provided would diminish the experience of the content being described for first-time viewers.
Dislike Emote
"I've read all of Book. Well, most of Book."
This article or section contains SPOILERS for Spoiler. Your experience or enjoyment of Spoiler may be diminished if you are not already familiar with the subject matter.
{{StrategyHeader|<1:optional text>}} Category:Champion strategy article
Used on Startegy subpages of Champion articles, warning the user of subjective information which they contain.
Sup Dawg? Emote
"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.
{{Upcoming}} Category:Upcoming content
Used on articles which contain upcoming content.
LoL Facebook Icon 19
"Stay alert."
This article or section contains upcoming content, and may contain inaccuracies or speculation.
Maintenance Messages
Usage Category
{{Administration category|<hidden>}} false
Little Camper Emote This is an administration category. Do not include this category in content categories.

This is a hidden category. It is not shown on its member pages, unless the corresponding user preference is set.

{{Archive}} false
Used on archived pages within the namespace "User talk".
Replacement filing cabinet This is an archive of past discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page.
{{Documentation subpage}} false
Surrender at 20 Emote This is a documentation subpage for Template:Spoiler.
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.
{{Policy}} Category:Policy
Used on pages that document an official League of Legends Wiki policy
Okay Emote
This page documents an official League of Legends Wiki policy.
All editors are expected to abide by this policy in normal situations.
{{Warning}} false

Thank you for contributing to the League of Legends Wiki. You have recently made an edit that did not contribute to the wiki by either adding detrimental content or removing appropriate content. In order to check edits before publishing, press the "Preview" button.

Please note that any further infractions, or removal of this template from your talk page, may result in a block for a duration determined by your edits.

  • In order to discuss the warning, feel free to contact an administrator for more information.
  • You can also explain the reason behind your edits on Discord in the channel #wiki-general.