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League of Legends Wiki

Varus Retribution cover
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Ionia Crest icon



By Graham McNeill

Slayer Valmar, desperate to save the life of his beloved Kai, surrendered to an ancient spirit, one of the Darkin. The creature, true to its word, saved Kai's life... by taking it as its own. Valmar, Kai, and the Darkin fused into a single entity. A creature of rage, vengeance, and death. Varus lives.


"I wear newly-woven flesh of meat and bone and skin to bear my form. But I am eternal."

Varus AR pr01

Slayer Valmar, desperate to save the life of his beloved Kai, surrendered to an ancient spirit, one of the Darkin.

The creature, true to its word, saved Kai's life...by taking it as its own.

Valmar, Kai, and the Darkin fused into a single entity. A creature of rage, vengeance, and death.

Varus lives.

Varus AR pr02

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