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See also: Evelynn's Evelynn's Agony's Embrace Agony's Embrace.
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Runeterra Crest icon


Agony's Embrace

By John O'Bryan


Evelynn was not always a skilled huntress. She began eons ago, as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient. This nascent wisp of shadow existed, numb and unroused by any stimulation, for centuries. It might have remained so, had the world not been upended by conflict. The Rune Wars, as they would come to be known, brought an era of mass suffering the world had never known.

As people across Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra began to experience a vast array of pain, anguish, and loss, the shadow stirred. The nothingness it had known for so long had been replaced by the manic vibrations of an agonized world. The creature quivered with excitement.

As the Rune Wars escalated, the world's torment grew so intense that the shadow felt as if it might burst. It drank in all of Runeterra's pain, which it experienced as boundless pleasure. The sensation nourished the creature, and over time, it transformed into something more. It became a demon, a ravenous spiritual parasite that fed on the basest of human emotions.

When the wars finally ended, the world's suffering waned, and the demon found itself growing desperate. The only pleasure it had ever known was born of other creatures' misery. Without their pain, it felt nothing, just as it had in its earliest days.

If the world would not provide the suffering the demon needed to thrive, it would have to make its own. It needed to inflict pain on other beings so that it could experience that elation again.

At first, catching prey was a challenge for the demon. It could move undetected in its shadow form, but to touch a human, the creature needed to manifest as something tangible. It made several attempts to fashion a physical body from its shadow-flesh, but each result was more monstrous than the last, scaring off her prey.

The demon realized it needed a shape that was pleasing to humans, one that would not only lure them right into its claws, but would offer them ecstasy born of their own desires, so that their pain would be that much sweeter.

From the shadows, it began to study those it sought to prey upon. It tailored its flesh to their liking, learned to say what they wanted to hear, and to walk in a manner they found alluring.

In a matter of weeks, the demon had perfected her physique, leading dozens of enamored victims to be tortured to death at her hands. Though she relishes the exquisite pain of each of her victims, she always finds herself wanting more. Each human's desires are so small, and they always expire too soon. Their pain, too fleeting to give her anything more than tiny morsels of pleasure, is just enough to tide her over to the next feeding.

She yearns for the day she can plunge the world into utter chaos, and she can return to an existence of pure, rapturous ecstasy.

Change log[]

Agony's Embrace
Enemy Missing pingMISSINGEnemy Missing ping Updated to the current version.
Enemy Missing pingMISSINGEnemy Missing ping Updated to remove references to the Institute of War.
Evelynn Render old2
"The night is my veil... " - Evelynn Evelynn The demon Evelynn lures in prey with a beautiful lie: the voluptuous façade of a human woman. Once her victim succumbs to her charms, she subjects them to unspeakable torment, gratifying herself with their pain. And yet, humans expire so quickly during agony's embrace. Any one dance grants Evelynn only a tiny morsel of pleasure - just enough to tide her over until the next feeding.
Enemy Missing pingMISSINGEnemy Missing ping Third version.
Evelynn Render old
"There is little mystery about her to me - she is the ultimate predator." - Jax Jax

Evelynn's Evelynn's origins are shrouded in mystery - a mystery she herself helps to perpetuate. What everyone does know about Evelynn, however, is that she is one of the most skilled assassins in Valoran. It is clear upon first meeting her that she is not quite human. Some theorize that she was cursed with a mild form of fantastical vampirism as a child. Supporters of this theory contend that her ability to sap the very life essence of her opponents on (and off) the Fields of Justice, while still being able to tolerate direct sunlight, would account for this belief.

There is some evidence that Evelynn originally came from the Shadow Isles profileicon Shadow Isles - the mysterious island located northwest of Valoran that is eternally blanketed by a thick, unnatural fog. It is thought that the Shadow Isles are home to countless forms of undead, though no one seems eager to perform the exploration necessary to find out the truth. Evelynn neither confirms nor denies her connection to the Shadow Isles.

The power brokers of Valoran know that Evelynn's services come at the highest of premiums, and her recent addition to the League of Legends indicates that her ambitions are growing. Her savagery on the Fields of Justice has been so great that new rumors about her origins are now circulating. The most popular one - an abuse of magic as a child morphed her into the hungering beast her opponents see on the battlefield - always makes her smile when hearing it... an act which bares her razor-sharp fangs and teeth.

Evelynn now curries favor from League summoners, gaining influence for reasons known only to her. While the nature of her plans - much like almost everything else about her - remains unknown, there's little doubt that those plans are now set on the world stage.
V1.0.0.32 (October 23rd, 2009) Second version.
Evelynn Render old
While Evelynn may have been given her title of "The Widowmaker?" through legend, she earns it time and time again on the Fields of Justice. Evelynn's origins are clouded in mystery, though it is clear upon first seeing her that she is not quite human. Some theorize that she was cursed with a mild form of vampirism as a child. Others suggest that her savagery in combat was so great that she has magically morphed into the hungering beast her opponents see on the battlefield. Evelynn simply smiles when hearing these stories, baring her razor-sharp fangs and teeth. Whether or not she herself knows her origins is unclear, but her recent admission into the Institute of War as a champion has certainly gained the attention of summoners more focused on the here and now.
Alpha Week 6 (March 25th, 2009) Original version.
Evelynn Render old
Left on a doorstep in the midst of night, blue skinned Evelynn was hesitantly taken in by human parents. As a child, she consumed only raw meat, tearing into her food with claws that seemed to grow as she gorged. The village grew fearful of her as matured into a restless teenager, and soon the meager meals her parents brought home were not enough to satiate her constant hunger. She took to killing livestock at night, draining whole cows of blood before returning home unseen. However, her hunger pains soon turned her mad.

