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League of Legends Wiki
Jhin (Universe)Jhin (Universe)
Jhin (League of Legends)Jhin (League of Legends)
Jhin (Esports)Jhin (Esports)
Jhin (Teamfight Tactics)Jhin (Teamfight Tactics)
Jhin (Legends of Runeterra)Jhin (Legends of Runeterra)
Jhin (Wild Rift)Jhin (Wild Rift)
Jhin (Development)Jhin (Development)
Jhin (Trivia)Jhin (Trivia)








The Path of Champions[]

Jhin is a playable champion in The Path of Champions. See more at Jhin (The Path of Champions).

Champion Stars

Stars Power
1 Star
Beauty in Death
For every 4th Keyword Fast Fast spell, Keyword Slow Slow spell, or Keyword Skill Skill you play, create a LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Captive Audience in hand.
2 Star
Setting the Stage
+1 Starting Mana.
When an ally plays a Keyword Skill skill, grant them +1|+1.
3 Star
Beauty in Death II
For every 4th Keyword Fast Fast spell, Keyword Slow Slow spell, or Keyword Skill Skill you play, create a 0 cost LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Captive Audience in hand.


Original Jhin: Base Skin
1 Wildcards 1 / 25-May-2022
Level 1

"Overture: We open on the city of Qayanvi, where an old LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 master summons a young LoR Champion Indicator4pupil. He is tasked with disposing a group of nefarious villains and recovering stolen sacred artifacts. The actor is keen, but he does not as yet take his place. For now he simply prepares, waiting in the wings."

Level 2

"And then: the finale."

Jhin's Dancing Grenade

"First, the call..." - LoR Champion Indicator4Jhin


Pulsefire Jhin: Epic Skin

Twist time into a cruel masterpiece.

This skin is available for purchase.
1290 Coins 1290 / 25-May-2022
06RU002 Pulsefire-full
Level 1

“Time is an intricate, interconnected fabric--and the perfect canvas for my masterpiece. Caitlyn. Are you watching?”

06RU002T1 Pulsefire-full
Level 2

“Now our paths diverge. Join me for one final performance. Your expression of agony will be one of my finest works.”

06RU002T2 Pulsefire-full
Jhin's Dancing Grenade

“Time to dance.”
- Jhin

06RU002T6 Pulsefire-full
Second Bounce

“Another timeline, another act.”
- Jhin

06RU002T4 Pulsefire-full
Lotus Trap

“He left a note? 'Marvel at my creation, Caitlyn.’ …Ugh.”
- Caitlyn

06RU002T13 Pulsefire-full
Deadly Flourish

“I create magnificent futures--you are stuck in the past.”
- Jhin

06RU002T12 Pulsefire-full
Curtain Call

“At last, a performance worthy of this timeline.”
- Jhin


Soul Fighter Jhin: Rare Skin
  • 7 new artworks
This skin is available for purchase.
750 Coins 750 / 28-Jun-2023
06RU002 SoulFighter-full
Level 1

Jhin has prepared a performance unlike any other for the Tournament of Souls: a daring, inspired, and supremely violent composition.

06RU002T1 SoulFighter-full
Level 2

After all, this is his biggest stage yet--the whole world is watching.

06RU002T2 SoulFighter-full
Jhin's Dancing Grenade

"Everything in its place..." - Soul Fighter Jhin

06RU002T6 SoulFighter-full
Second Bounce

"...and a smile on every face. Smile!" - Soul Fighter Jhin

06RU002T4 SoulFighter-full
Lotus Trap

"Right. On. Cue!" - Soul Fighter Jhin

06RU002T13 SoulFighter-full
Deadly Flourish

"Through violence, we reach new horizons." - Soul Fighter Jhin

06RU002T12 SoulFighter-full
Curtain Call

"The soul of every performance is in its finale!" - Soul Fighter Jhin


Maestro Jhin: Common Skin

Genius, virtuoso, prodigy--words alone cannot capture the true talents of this maestro.

  • 2 new artworks
This skin is available for purchase.
700 Coins 700 / 08-Nov-2023
06RU002 Maestro-full
Level 1

They call him Maestro, but Jhin knows he is much more. The music is his mastery, the composition his legacy. He envisions violins yet un-crafted, reproducing his concertos in a musical mimicry of his own genius...

06RU002T1 Maestro-full
Level 2

"The angle of the bow and the tension of the strings, locked in a violent dance. This is my perfect composition."


Empyrean Jhin: Rare Skin

Perfect the performance, and find the true Muse.

  • 7 new artworks
This skin is available for purchase.
750 Coins 750 / 24-Apr-2024
06RU002 Empyrean-full
Level 1

The Empyrean once known as Jhin is searching for the source of his own artistic fervor. The enchantment of a dangerous Muse draws him inexorably across realms--a poison he could never hope to resist.

06RU002T1 Empyrean-full
Level 2

"I would sacrifice every realm for the merest glimpse of a true Muse." - Empyrean Jhin

06RU002T2 Empyrean-full
Jhin's Dancing Grenade

"There she is, at the end of this colorful carnage--the answer to the question at the heart of every performance." - Empyrean Jhin

06RU002T6 Empyrean-full
Second Bounce

"My art is the one art. This ashen realm stands witness!" - Empyrean Jhin

06RU002T4 Empyrean-full
Lotus Trap

"Art is a fire of ecstasy that will consume us all. Burn, as I always imagined!" - Empyrean Jhin

06RU002T13 Empyrean-full
Deadly Flourish

"A fire, a flare, a burst of variegation!" - Empyrean Jhin

06RU002T12 Empyrean-full
Curtain Call

"I am a slave to this Muse. It was Her spark that set me free." - Empyrean Jhin




Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator1Annie present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator1Annie present

Allied LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi present

  • ▶️   Jhin: "I thought a fellow practitioner would understand my genius."
    • ▶️   Master Yi: "Violence is, and should always be, the last resort."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Legion Deserter present

  • ▶️   Jhin: "A true artist lets their work speak for them."
    • ▶️   Legion Deserter: "While you played the artist, I slaughtered a nation!"

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Lord Broadmane present

  • ▶️   Jhin: "A bad actor, and one who chews the scenery."
    • ▶️   Lord Broadmane: "It's not all talk, friend. I bring hope for Qayanvi."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 The Maker present

  • ▶️   Jhin: "A shame your art is appreciated by so few."
    • ▶️   The Maker: "My audience need only be concerned with its ending."
  • ▶️   Jhin: "Art requires a certain... cruelty."
    • ▶️   The Maker: "And the artist must not hesitate in its execution."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 The Stagehand present

  • ▶️   Jhin: "Come, dear, you will bring our show to a close."
    • ▶️   The Stagehand: "The final act must be performed with conviction."

Keyword See Sees a Unit card Unit Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator4Shen

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator3Zed

Allied LoR Champion Indicator1Annie

  • ▶️   Annie: "...and then I went 'wush, fwush,' and they dieded."
    • ▶️   Jhin: "Both your parents? With the toy they made you? Ha."
  • ▶️   Annie: "Let's go make some friends, Tibbers."
    • ▶️   Jhin: "You're quite the little fire starter, aren't you?"

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator1Annie

Allied LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi

  • ▶️   Master Yi: "To restore this legacy is my greatest honor."
    • ▶️   Jhin: "All that practice and still no closer to perfection."

Allied LoR Champion Indicator4Yasuo

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Legion Deserter

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Lord Broadmane

  • ▶️   Lord Broadmane: "These people just need a strong hand to guide them."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 The Maker

  • ▶️   The Maker: "What matters the maker, if not her divine work?"
    • ▶️   Jhin: "I promise it will be immortalized in our performance."
  • ▶️   The Maker: "My work deserves recognition, Jhin. Do not disappoint me."

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 The Stagehand

Ability effect[]

Keyword Level Up Level Up[]

Keyword See Sees a Spell card Spell or Keyword Skill Skill Resolve[]

Allied Keyword Skill Lotus Trap

Allied Keyword Skill Deadly Flourish

Allied Keyword Skill Curtain Call

Allied LoR Spell Slow Indicator4 Dancing Grenade

Allied LoR Spell Slow Indicator0 Second Bounce

Allied Keyword Skill Stunning Performance

Attack Declared[]

Block Declared[]

Keyword See Sees a Unit card Unit Keyword Death Die[]

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Legion Deserter

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Lord Broadmane

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Captive Greyback

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 The Stagehand

Keyword Death Death[]

Turn timer appears[]

Allied turn timer

  • ▶️   "The trigger on a loaded weapon, it whispers for us to act."
  • ▶️   "The whole world, a hushed crowd, waiting for us to begin."

Enemy turn timer


Removed from choice[]



Change Log[]

  • Added.
Jhin (Level 2)
  • Added.
Jhin's Dancing Grenade
  • Added.
The Virtuoso
  • Added.
Lotus Trap
  • Added.
Deadly Flourish
  • Added.
Curtain Call
  • Added.

