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League of Legends Wiki
Tryndamere (Universe)Tryndamere (Universe)
Tryndamere (League of Legends)Tryndamere (League of Legends)
Tryndamere (Esports)Tryndamere (Esports)
Tryndamere (Teamfight Tactics)Tryndamere (Teamfight Tactics)
Tryndamere (Legends of Runeterra)Tryndamere (Legends of Runeterra)
Tryndamere (Wild Rift)Tryndamere (Wild Rift)
Tryndamere (Development)Tryndamere (Development)
Tryndamere (Trivia)Tryndamere (Trivia)




Challenge Mode[]





  • If Tryndamere is committed to combat and Keyword Level Up levels up before Keyword Strike striking, he proceeds to strike normally, with his level 2 card.
  • Tryndamere keeps all effects applied to him when he Keyword Level Up levels up, including Keyword Ephemeral Ephemeral after he Keyword Strike strikes with it.
    • Hence if you strike with Tryndamere and he dies from Ephemeral, leveling up, he will die at the end of that same turn.
  • When Tryndamere Levels Up, he does not count as dying. Hence Mist's Call and the Rekindler can't revive Level 1 Tryndamere, as well as Chronicler of Ruin not working on it.
    • This is because he's Level Up condition writes "Instead I level up".
  • If Tryndamere is below his current max health when he levels up, he will heal back to his total health, including buffs added prior to dying, before gaining his level 2 stats.
    • This counts as unit healing for the purposes of cards such as LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Star Spring.
    • If Tryndamere's health was reduced to 0 when he leveled up, as in he died to damage, then he will be treated as having 1 health before the healing is calculated.
  • LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator7 Chronoshift applies before his own effect, buffing Tryndamere but not leveling him up.


Original Tryndamere: Base Skin
1 Wildcards 1 / 15-Oct-2019
Level 1

"Do not die for your cause. Live for it..."

Level 2

"...And make THEM die for it."

Tryndamere's Battle Fury

"I've been told I have a... temper." - LoR Champion Indicator8Tryndamere


Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere: Common Skin

War incarnate does not yield.

  • 2 new artworks
This skin is available for purchase.
700 Coins 700 / 07-Jan-2024
01FR039 WarringKingdoms-full
Level 1

This grand general's reputation precedes him. Those who have faced him in battle say that it will take a thousand men to kill him, and a thousand more to keep him dead.

01FR039T2 WarringKingdoms-full
Level 2

"You send an entire army, just to fall as lambs to the slaughter? Pathetic!"



  • LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator8 Tryndamere's Battle Fury is based on Tryndamere's Tryndamere's Battle Fury Battle Fury.
  • LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator7 Icy Yetis is featured in both his artworks.
  • In alternate artwork of Tryndamere Level 2, the arrows hit were removed and the eye color was also changed to yellow.
  • Before V0.8.3, there is an LoR Champion Indicator8Alternate version for Tryndamere Level 1, but uses Level 2 artwork.


Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator4Ashe present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator4Ashe present

Allied LoR Champion Indicator6Anivia present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator6Darius present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator3Katarina present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator3Lissandra present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator6Sejuani present

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator5Thresh present

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Avarosan Outriders present

Enemy LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Scarmother Vrynna present

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Tarkaz the Tribeless present

Enemy LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Uzgar the Ancient present

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Mighty Poro present

Keyword See Sees a Unit card Unit Keyword Summon Summoned[]

Allied LoR Champion Indicator4Ashe

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator4Ashe

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator3Draven

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator5Karma

Enemy LoR Champion Indicator4Yasuo

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Avarosan Outriders

Emeny LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Scarmaiden Reaver

Enemy LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Scarmother Vrynna

Enemy LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Scarthane Steffen

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Tarkaz the Tribeless

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Unscarred Reaver

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator9 Ancient Yeti

Allied LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator10 She Who Wanders

Keyword Level Up Level Up[]

Keyword See Sees a Spell card Spell Resolve[]

Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator8 Battle Fury

Allied LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Bloodsworn Pledge

Allied LoR Spell Slow Indicator11 Warmother's Call

Allied LoR Spell Slow Indicator7 Winter's Breath

Attack Declared[]

Block Declared[]

Keyword Death Death[]


Removed from choice[]



Change Log[]

  • Health increased to 6 from 4.
  • Undocumented:
    • Flavor becomes: "Do not die for your cause. Live for it..."
      • Old Flavor: "Do not die for your cause. Live for it."
Announce Preview Patch
  • Added.
Tryndamere (Level 2)
  • Undocumented:
    • Flavor becomes: "...And make THEM die for it."
      • Old Flavor: "Do not die for your cause. Live for it."
Open Beta Patch
Announce Preview Patch
  • Added.
Tryndamere's Battle Fury
  • Text becomes: "Grant an ally +8|+4. Create a LoR Champion Indicator8Tryndamere in your deck."
    • Old Text: "Grant an ally +8|+4. Shuffle a LoR Champion Indicator8Tryndamere into your deck."
Announce Preview Patch
  • Added.