conspicuous consumption

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conspicuous consumption

The lavish expenditure of money or acquisition of expensive items as a public display of one's wealth or financial success. In rapidly developing economies, conspicuous consumption becomes more and more prevalent as a means for those who have done well to flaunt their new economic status. I can't believe that teenager was killed by thugs trying to steal his high-end sneakers. Conspicuous consumption really is more important than human life today, huh? I'm not surprised he was embezzling money from his company. I wonder if his conspicuous consumption is what helped tip off the authorities.
See also: conspicuous
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

conspicuous consumption

Showing off one’s material wealth. The term was coined by the American economist Thorstein Veblen in The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), where he roundly criticized the well-to-do (leisure class) for preying on the rest of society and then flaunting their acquisitions. The term, always used as critically as by its author, has become a cliché.
See also: conspicuous
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
In 2010, the proportion of the consumption tax in Japan's national income was 3.6%, while the proportion of excise tax in the national income was 3.4%, which is approximately the same.
Petroleum coke consumption fell 6% between late April 2015 and late April 2016 and stood at 195 ktoe.
One method for gauging the speed of recoveries involves graphing and comparing normalized consumption series across several recessions.
Does the way individuals feel and think about consumption affect their subjective well-being?
The report firstly introduced the Energy Consumption Monitoring Device basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on.
Caleb Chen has advocated for social consumption in Los Angeles and Las Vegas since 2014.
For this reason, the learning data for saving energy cannot be utilized for proactive control of power consumption. Thus, there is a great need for power consumption prediction that does not require prior learning of the entire data center.
An estimated 393 Mt of crushed stone was produced and shipped for consumption in the United States in the second quarter of 2018, an increase of 7 percent compared with that of the second quarter of 2017,
Electricity consumption in March 2018 amounted to 1.235 billion kWh.
'The main objective of the audit is to understand the trends and drivers of electricity consumption, as well as identify measures and give recommendations on how electricity can be more efficiently consumed in these buildings,' AER stated in its Annual Report 2017.
Cheng Yu-tsai, Taipower's deputy superintendent for central coordination, said heat accumulated from continued days of high temperature has driven up electricity consumption.
Income also fails to reflect the flow of services received if one already owns a house or a car, and has no expenditures but significant consumption. A retired couple in their own home living off the savings accumulated over a lifetime may be living quite comfortably even if they have no income.
The study, which evaluated the incidence of cancers associated with alcohol consumption, said 4.9 percent of all cancers in men and 3.9 percent of all cancers in women was due to alcohol consumption.
Globally, beer consumption and trade have grown significantly over the past decades.