Consummation of marriage

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Related to Consummation of marriage: consummate
completion of the connubial relation by actual cohabition.

See also: Consummation

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
During the Wednesday proceeding, Linturi's lawyers opposed a question on consummation of marriage on that night of the customary ceremony.
She had left her house a night before the " gauna " ceremony (associated with the consummation of marriage).
Starting with the consummation of marriage, which begins the spiritual oneness that transforms two people into one, the authors share frank words about activities of the bedchamber in connection with scripture, with the hope all people can transform their marriages.
The physical examination would normally be undertaken before the marriage ceremony, while the "proof by blood" involves an inspection for signs of bleeding as part of the consummation of marriage after the ceremony.
There was a slight difference in the age at the marriage, age at the consummation of marriage and age at the birth of first child between the two groups of respondents, the scheduled castes being at the low level in terms of all the three variables.
(If you catch me in a private moment, ask me about the time I put "consummation of marriage" on a definitions test at college.) So let's think about two key words, "Presbyterian" and "Reformed." "Presbyterian" is a description of the structure and government of our church.
There was a little difference in the age at the marriage, age at the consummation of marriage and age at the birth of first child between the two groups of respondents, the scheduled castes being at the low level in terms of all the three variables.
However, it added, the 'Rukhsati' (consummation of marriage) is only allowed in case when both husband and wife reach puberty.
The harassment includes demand for dowry, cruelty, abandonment of the woman on foreign shores and non- consummation of marriage, among others," she added.
The ultimate thesis of this book is that the gift of sexual intimacy has four main purposes: consummation of marriage, procreation, love, and pleasure.
When the consummation of marriage takes place five years later, she will be just 15 while her husband will be in his 80s!