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collaborate with (someone or something)

To work on a task with another person or group. Which department are we collaborating with on this campaign? Don't worry, I'll collaborate with Tracy, and we'll get you some price quotes. Hey, call over to Legal—we need to collaborate with them on this audit.
See also: collaborate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

collaborate with someone or something

to work together on something with someone or a group. I will collaborate with Amy on this research. I was forced to collaborate with a totally uninformed committee.
See also: collaborate
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
4) Wole Soyinka and Tai Solarin were accused of collaborating with the Biafrans during the Nigerian Civil War.
With so many benefits that the Insurers could avail with such collaboration, the question arises as to what is stopping them from collaborating with tech partners?
He pointed out that the WHO collaborating centres are institutions designated by WHO's director general to form part of an international collaborative network carrying out activities in support of the organisation's programme of work at all levels, as well as developing and strengthening institutional capacity in countries and regions.
collaborating center to implementing its agreed work plan and annual
Twenty-four papers from the January 2008 conference explore new approaches for transforming computer-based human activities to engage users in the active process of creating, connecting, and collaborating together.
A list of all other offices or locations besides those listed in where the collaborating physician authorizes the APRN to prescribe;
In the second edition of Collaborating to Meet Standards by Toni Buzzeo, teachers and elementary school library media specialists learn how to collaborate to improve student learning in grades K-6.
In the city where what happens there, stays there--"viva Las Vegas"--the Community College of Southern Nevada is collaborating with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Nevada State College; and the city to develop seamless lifelong learning pathways in places like Cheyenne, West Charleston, and Henderson.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) WHO Collaborating Center for Reference and Research on Influenza supplies standardized reagents and test kits to all national centers for detecting influenza A and B strains, subtyping strains, and determining whether sample strains are immunologically related to recent vaccine strains.
Collaborating to read and write about Le Ballon rouge
"The same day of the military coup he was arrested and accused of treason for collaborating with Salvador Allende's government.
Three internal challenges discourage young acquisition officers and civilians from staying in the DoD: communicating, committing, and collaborating.
"We are delighted to be collaborating with ImClone Systems on our exciting CDP-791 program.
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